Chapter 31: Before The Party

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Chapter 31: Before The Party

*Alexa Shiffer*

Bright light filtered through a small slit in my curtain as my eyes squinted open. It was usually still fairly dark when I woke up for school in the mornings around this time of the year, so it confused me why I was still in bed when it was bright outside. Had I slept through my alarm?

It took me a few moments to realise that I wasn't the only person in my bedroom. A figure was hunched over, sitting on a chair in the corner of my room reading a book. I warily propped myself up onto my elbows and let out an enormous yawn.

"Alexa, Honey! How are you feeling? Is your head feeling okay this morning? Would you like a drink? Some breakfast maybe?" My mother put down Pride and Prejudice and came over to me quickly when she noticed that I had woken up.

I rubbed the temples of my head and looked around my room as my eyes became more adjusted to the light levels.

"What?" I murmured, confused. "Why day is it? What time is it? Has my alarm gone off yet?"

My mother sat down on the end of my bed.

"It's quarter past ten on Wednesday morning, Alexa. I turned off your school alarm when I got back from work last night. Mrs. Pillar told me everything she knew and we tried to get back as soon as possible. You were fast asleep. I didn't want to wake you up. Sleep is important when you're head is in this state; trust me, I know."

I rested my head back down on my pillow and sighed.

"So I have to miss school?" I groaned. "That just means I'll have to catch up when I go back." My mom looked at me and chuckled.

"You're probably one of the only teenagers I know that would complain about not being able to go to school." I smiled at her. "Let me get you a hot drink," she said, getting up. "It used to help me when I got these headaches." I thanked her as she left.

It dawned on me that she must have taken a precious day off of work to look after me today. I guess she really was trying to be there for me more, and I liked it. I couldn't imagine being at home on my own for a whole day. I would text Japera and ask her to come over after school to hang out and tell me all the work I would have to copy up. I would have asked other people too, but since Japera was my only friend at the moment, there wasn't much I could do about that.

I reached for my phone and opened Facebook. I had a message from Japera, sent at 7:26 this morning asking me how I was and if I was coming into school today. I guess I had answered her question by not answering. I replied, telling her that I wasn't coming to school today and asking her to come and see me later. She probably wouldn't reply until break, but that didn't matter.

I was just about to lock my phone when my eye caught a post on my news feed. It was from Jack Montegro. Because everyone was at school early this morning, my news feed wasn't too busy, which was why his post was still recent, even though it was sent last night. This was what it read:

'Hey guys! All of my Facebook friends are invited to a party at my house tomorrow night from 8:00. Let me know if you're bringing friends and can't wait to see you all there! ;)'

I groaned. The party. The party that had been spoken about by Jordan on Monday, during our argument. The party that he was going to go to, along with Natalie. No, with Natalie. Probably as a date. It made me wonder why Jordan and Natalie had arranged to go together in the first place. It was obviously all sorted by Monday, which means that they had decided to go together before my 'break-up' with Jordan. Did they like each other secretly? It was possible. I had been completely blind during the two weeks that we had been 'together'.

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