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"So, what now?" I ask Crow, taking a seat on a old fashion chair. She had brought me to a old abandon house out of New York, close to the forest. The house seems to be a good shape and it haven't been falling apart yet. Everything here smells old and a little moldy; there's no heater or electricity and it's pitch dark in here. Thank to my wolf eyes, I can see in the dark. I watch as Crow leaves the other room carrying two glass bottles.

"I don't know. Root beer?" She replies, handing out a bottle for me and I narrow my brows. "What?"

"There's beer in it?" I ask dumbly, unsure what that bottle is. I never have a root beer.

"No, it's a pop." She then, tilts her head. "You never have one?"

"No." I shake my head.

"It's good. Try it." She hands it to me again and I take it, feeling the cold glass on my hand.

I twist the cap off, tilt back, and drink the bottle. It tastes good and I drink some more, realizing how thirsty I am. After taking a few long sips, I set the bottle on my leg and look at Crow sitting on the other chair the opposite of me. I see her looking around with the pained look on her face like this place is the horrible spot to stop.

"Crow." I call on her.

"Hm? Sorry, it's just that it's been a long time I haven't been here... Since the WWVWII."

I widen my eyes. I didn't know this was her home. This was where she realized that her husband became a monster. All I can say is, "Oh."

"It's okay. Don't worry about it. It's not like he's coming back home. He never like this little house anyway. Gosh, it holds so many memories. I wish there's some way to save him, make him become a better person."

"Do you miss him?" I burst out and wait for her reply. I didn't mean to say that out loud, but I want to know if she does. I see her tense and cocking her head as if she's listening to something that I couldn't hear.

"... Yes, I do miss him. I miss the man before he was taken over by the monster."

"Hm... Who were these people?"

"Shadowmen." She answers coldly, her eyes glowers by that name.

"Shadowmen?" I never heard of them. I never thought there will be more supernatural creatures. Like how many different supernaturals are here? I wonder if there's unicorn. Nah, that would be silly and childish. There's no such thing.

"Trust me, you do not want to mess around with them. They are mass of darkness and shadows. They can do dark and shadow magic, so dangerous for any living like us to be near them. They have a king which is called the Shadow King and he likes to collect rare and the very last creatures and things. I know him for that he's the one that gives me a blessing on the day of my birth."

She rises her hand and open them. I gasp as I see the black wisp comes out of her hand, floating above it. She closes her hand and the wisp disappears into smoke.

"I used to play with my magic all of the times when I was a child. I had no clue it was given to me to destroy whatever I wanted to. I hate him for that, giving me a curse to have this magic in me. He likes chaos, hate, darkness, sadness, anything negative. He feeds on them, even from his collection and everyday, he becomes stronger and powerful."

"So, why did he sent those... Shadowmen to me? They want to bring me to their King." I say out loud as I wonder.

"He wants you." Crow meets my eyes. "You're the last she-wolf and the most wanted female wolf of all times. Everyone wants you, Paige. Your mate, some of the male wolves, the Shadow King, the hunters, everyone. The Shadow King wants to keep you like one of his pet. Course, he will feeds you, protects you, gives you clothes, anything as long as you obey him."

"What if I don't want to obey him?" I suddenly don't want to know when she narrows her brows.

"He can hurts you. He'll do whatever he wishes until you finally obey."

"He doesn't sounds nice. How do you know all of this?"

"He's not. I know because I escaped from him."


"I never told anyone else this, but the Shadow King. I trust you not to tell anyone." I nod, promising her that this secret will never be spill. "I'm the last fully Night Vampire and I'm the goddess of the Night Vampire."

"Whoa, that must be crazy." No wonder she knows so much like she's the most smartest person on earth.

"Yes and I trusted the Shadow King to protect me. He had broken that trust when one of his men jumped on me when he promised they would not. Luckily, I managed to kill that man and ran away. It's wasn't easy for that I had killed half of his men. He stopped me before I could jump over that last dark river and challenged me. Silly King, he shouldn't done that.

"You know what I did? I almost killed him." She takes a sip of her drink and continues, "I use all of my dark magic and formed it into this black and purple flashing ball. It was so big, so big that I have a hard time controlling and holding it. I threw it at him, surprising him with my powers. He had never seen anything like that. So, I'm also the most wanted vampire since I almost killed him and myself. He wants my power."

"So, we're alike. We're the most wanted females with something that could change the world." I say softly and she nods.

"That is why I must protect you now. I'm your new guardian angel, well, vampire and I'll be watching you."

"I don't know why Skywar keeps on disappearing. She thinks she told me the truth the other night, but I knew deep inside, she's not telling me."


"Yeah, she's my godmother. She's also a witch."

"Now I remember. She's the one that saved me." I widen my eyes. There's so much that I don't know. I seriously should start learning about this supernatural world and its histories.

"Whaaaat? I say slowly.

"I think you should not trust her now."

"Why not?"

"She's with the Shadow King..."

Leo's POV:

"Shit, she's not here." I walk out of the room that has a broken door laying on the ground. I'm getting more worried about my mate since there's someone else looking for her. Me, the vampire, and the Shadowmen. I can smell my mate here along with the freshwater river and dirt from the Shadowmen and the coal and smoke must be from the vampire. I think this vampire is a female.

"What should we do, Leo?" My Beta, Gregg asks, walking with me in the hall.

"We go find this person." I growl, getting frustrated by every second of it.

What's so important with this person, Leo? He mind links me. Maybe I should tell him.

I have a mate. I mind link back, waiting for his reaction. And she's mine. If any one of you lays a hand on her, I swear that I'll rip your throat out.

Yes, Leo. I'm so happy for you. Once we bring her back, you'll be the Alpha of all wolves.

That's not what I'm worried about.

What then?

The Shadow King is looking for her. I claim.

Ooooooooooh, I'm loving this!! More supernaturals are looking for Paige and now you know why Crow's special and how she ended up helping the last she-wolf. I love doing this. Just letting you know that some of the supernaturals are made up from me or are very close like. So what now? Will the Shadow King finds Paige or will Leo finds her first? Let me know what you think of this so far.
Comment or vote, thank.

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