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"Dad?" I blink when I hear his voice that I have been waiting to hear it again for years. There's a gentleness and happiness in his words like he's happy to see me. I can see a thin grey half circle line on the side of his neck where he was once been hurt. I thought he was dead. Someone had ripped out his neck and left him for dead and I was forced to leave once I thought he was gone. I couldn't believe he's alive and breathing in front of me. I can hear his heart beating in his chest. He's alive, after all.

"It is me, Paige." Dad says. "I had seen you had found about your true self and who I am."

"You're Fenrir. And I have two brothers which I never met them. You're my dad and you somehow ended up falling in love instead of destroying the world. You put the curse on me to not let my beast out and... I thought you were dead. All of these years, I had thought you're dead and I had to survived on my own." I claim and am close to breaking down. I had thought I was all alone when I escaped. I thought I had no one left to live for.

I had almost killed myself.

"I am sorry. Really. I did not mean to leave you after my fake death, but it was for your own safety." I was about to protest, but he hushes me. "I did fall in love. I was given a second chance to have another life with no ideas for destruction and hate. Your mother was a beautiful creature that I was given by the Moon Goddness. I am partly werewolf, partly human, and partly immortal. When I was chained up, I had thought about my future. My sons were the only ones to save me, but I know it will be a long time. I had thought about the revenge that I want for Odin, but I forgot about it when I met your mother.

That is where you came in." He continues, bowing his head low. "I never thought I will have another child, another chance to do something good. Another chance to be a true father. I was not there for my sons when they needed me the most. I was there for you. And I have been. I had to put the curse on you for your protection. Your mother was afraid when she found out who I am and what you are. I want to protect you from everything in this world. I remembered telling you to run before my neck was ripped out. I felt your fear of losing me.

I really had been a bad father. I should been there when you were surviving on your own. I should have been there when you found your mate. But I did not dare show myself to you for that I think it is not time. I watched you traveled across the world, met a vampire that had helped you, killed the Shadow King, and discovered your true self. And... You had changed a lot. You had grown into a fine woman with the great courage of a lion, a golden heart as big as a elephant, a sharp mind as a wolf, and a strong fighter like a bear. You will not back down to anyone.

Paige, you are stronger than anyone here. Than your mate. Than Geri. Than me." He walks up to me. "You are a goddess. The powers of everything you have with and on you. You are special. I am here to continue watching you keep on growing, have kids, be a leader, and everything. Your true name is... Asena. The mother of all wolves and you will be."

I change back into my human form. I still have clothes on me, but I didn't care less. My dad must be disappointed in himself. All I can find was the truth in them and I softly smile. I felt sorry for him. I understand now. I did the same thing for my mate to keep him safe.

"Welcome home, Dad."


"So, what happened?" I ask my dad as we headed back in Leo's pack house. We're sitting in the living room, I sitting by Leo, Geri sitting at the wooden chair at the right, and Dad only stands a few feet away from us. He looks out of the window with his red human eyes, the shadow covers the back of his body while his front glows from the sunlight. He looks different from the last time I had saw him. His messy jaw length hair is black, wasn't short and brown anymore. His eyes wasn't the same before, always showing the anxious in them and I wonder why he's been acting like that when we came in. He rests his large pale hand on his chin, gentling tugging on his black thin beard.

He sighs and closes his eyes as he speaks with a low deathly tone that sends chills on my skin, "It was my fault."

"What's your fault?" Leo asks, beating me. I look up again to see Dad takes in long deep breath.

"It was the WWVWI. I was there with the wolves. I had decided to fight for our freedom against the vampires. Exactly 89,376 vampires and 68,462 werewolves. We wolves had helps from the other supernaturals. Helps from the winged wolves, werecats, werebears, and some human friends that was in military, army, and such. It was bloody, so bloody that it turned everything red. The sky, the ground, everything was red. I was fighting with my bare hands and I let Fenrir out many times. Then, I saw him.

He was drenched in blood, sweat, and... Hate. I felt the great hate and madness coming off him like a wave and I still do feel it today. He saw me and bared his teeth at me. I knew that I must do something about him... But when I looked back, he was gone."

"Crow's husband." I say breathlessly. I didn't know my dad saw her husband.

"Sadly, I do not know his name." He opens his dim eyes and stares through the window like he's seeing the past. "I saw him again at WWVWII. And he had changed into a monster. He had forgotten about love, happiness, theses positive feelings. I saw he had brought his wife to war with him and she was quite terrified. I decided to end his life at once.

But he was too powerful for me. Like there's something in him had taken over him and gained powers." Dad turns around to face me. "I came up face to face with him, thinking that I could kill him. We were grabbing each other's hands and he says, 'I will get your family. See how you like it when I take your girls away.' I had no clue how he knew I will have another family. He must had seen the future in me."

"Wait, it's coming together." I claim, putting the connection with the clues that I know. Then, it clicks.

I jerk my head up to see Crow sitting on the chandelier and I gasp,"It's Crow's husband that took the girls..."

All of you should see, Crow has been eavesdropping on them until Paige discovers the truth about Crow's husband. Buuuuuut... Crow's innocent and she will shares the truth in the next chapter. Sorry if it sounded a little short. The book is getting close to the end and I have to make this short and quick.
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