Chapter 3-

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"Where are you taking me?!" Zoey snorts as she attempts to loosen my bionic grip.
"You'll just have to wait." I tease.
Of course, my hand twitches just in time, allowing Zoey to pull her hand away.
"Aha!" She giggles.
I stick out my tongue.
"We're almost there. I promise."
Zoey smiles.
"Promise it's worth it?"
I nod.
As we approach the storefront I cover Zoey's eyes.
"Hey! Now that we're here I can't even see it?!"
"Hey, we're not there yet. I'm just leading up to it. What is today?"
"Um Wednesday?"
"Well, what else?" I sigh.
"Our last day in Philly."
"Yep. So what can't we possibly leave our beloved city of brotherly love without?" I smile even though she can't see it.
I walk Zo a little further and reveal our favorite ice cream parlor: Swiggly Fluffery
I smile, and we enter the store.
"My two favorite customers!" The owner, Mr. Toffee greets. That's really his name!
"Hey, Mr. T. This is our last time here for a while." I explain as my neck twitches.
"Last time? And why is that?"
"We are moving to Ohio!" Zoey cries.
"What! Why? What's wrong with Philadelphia?"
"Nothing can ever be wrong with Philadelphia!" Zoey replies.
"It's because of our parents." I sigh.
"Well, you're last ice cream, for now, will be on the house." Toffee smiles.
"Thank you so much! Are you sure?" I ask.
"I'm certain."
As soon as our usual favorite sundaes are completed, my phone rings.
"Answer it. I don't mind." Zoey tells me.
I nod.
"Hey, Asher. Are you able to meet me at my place in 5 minutes? I really could use your help right now."
My last day here?
"Evan I-"
"I know it's last minute. But please?!"
I sigh.
"Fine. Only for you. Really only for you." I roll my eyes and then scrunch my eyebrows involuntarily.
"Great! See ya!"
"Come on, Zo. Evan needs me to come over."
"On your last day he needs you?" Zoey questions.
"Yeah. I don't know why though."
"Alright." Zoey shrugs.
We walk a few blocks when we reach Evan's apartment.
I ring the doorbell as always, as my arm jerks, again, as always.
But nobody answers.
"He's messing with me!" I shake my head in disapproval.
"Call him back." Zoey suggests.
He must of been watching me through the peephole. The second I pull out my phone, the door slams open. Evan, my other basketball buddies, some other school friends and even Mia Peterson jump up yelling surprise.
"You guys! This is so nice! Thank you, really this is so-" I'm speechless! This is so thoughtful.
"Well, we really wanted to do something special for you, Asher. You are such a kind person and a great friend." Mia exclaims.
"Good enough to sort out time from your insane schedule?" I chuckle.
"Aw, of course!"
Mia hugs me, and we hold on for longer than usual. Long enough for my elbow to twitch, but she still doesn't let go.
"Ok, Mia! Give us a turn to hug the guest of honor!" Rena Hills exclaims.
Mia blushes and pats my back.
"I'm going to miss you." She whispers so only I can hear.
My throat clears.
"I'll miss you too." I respond the same way.
"My goodness! Now you guys want to make it happen!" My buddy, Jerry Lidman says a bit too loud. (But that never hurt no one...sorry I'm a bit of a Billy Joel fan)
Now I'm blushing too!
"Oh stop it! Let's just focus on Asher!" Rena laughs as she hugs me.
"Speaking of- Look at the food I bought!" Evan exclaims.
"We bought." Anna Burt corrects as she narrows her eyes as she lifts up a container filled with baked goods.
"Three hours, Evan Sugary, THREE HOURS THIS TOOK ME TO MAKE!!"
"Ok! Ok! Yeah, Asher, I guess we love you a little." Evan chuckles.
I smile as drag my left foot into the air.
"Thanks guys."

Everyone disperses into different areas of the room with plates of food.
"Hey, Asher! I'm sooo sorry you're leaving!" Mia's best friend Barittini (her parent's fancy way of spelling Brittany) bubbles as she sits next to me with Mia and this other girl named Ashley.
"I know. I am too, Ohio will be very different." I sigh as I blink hard.
"Yeah, seriously! That's so sad that your parents are getting a divorce." Barittini sympathizes.
Thanks for the reminder..
"But really Ohio will be so different, I feel so bad for you!"
I shrug.
"I can adapt."
"Are you moving to a small town? You should be careful." Ashley says.
Careful? Whatever. She's a flake. I'm sure mom thinks the town in safe and open minded. She wouldn't bring us there if they weren't.
"Oh, you is a different lifestyle. I'm sure you'll get used to it." Mia tries to make it better.
"We mean...other people may not understand you as well there as we do here." Ashley covers up.
"Oh ok. But that just takes time with everyone to learn personalities." I shrug.
I blink a few times which causes Barittini to glance at Mia.
"We mean with your Tourette's..."
Before the girls can react, Evan and some of the guys walk over.
"Time's up, girls." Evan says half kiddingly.
"Alright. We will catch you later!" Mia smiles.
Barittini and Ashley nod and smile.
"So...Ohio. Way different.."
Not Evan too!
"How about basketball? You know basketball is almost a lifestyle in the Midwest."
"Oh yeah?" I shrug.
"I'll still try out for varsity."
Evan smiles.
"That a boy!" Nick laughs.
"I'm going to miss you guys. We were beast!" I exclaim.
"Very beast! Those Ohio kids better watch it!" Ricky adds
"Yeah but...just watch out. They're pretty good in Ohio. Don't want them tripping you over!" Jack Rivers teases.
"Nah, I ain't tripping!" I declare as my neck twitches.

Wow, I didn't realize there was so much to worry about moving. Like, of course I'm really pissed..more sad than pissed, but still pissed. But now I'm really worried about all these changes. I know for sure that it will be strange making new friends, adapting to the new lifestyle,not having Dad around, and even learning in a new school. But now on top of that I am starting to wonder what it will be like to try out for a new basketball team, or even how people will react to my Tourette Syndrome. These are things that never even crossed my mind in Philadelphia. In fact, my medical condition and playing basketball are probably the two things I've come to understand most.
"Asher! Is Ohio really that terrible?" Zoey whispers in my ear.
What theeeee......
I totally forgot my little sister was here!!!
"It's fine." I reassure.
After a few more hours of schmoozing and eating, it is time to head. As I hug everyone one last time and say my last messages, it starts to hit me that I am leaving this place. The place where I have always been, have lots of friends, and lots of interesting places to go. I can't help but wonder what Ohio is about to bring me...

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