Chapter 17-

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Hey guys! I hope you are enjoying the story! I have a lot planned and I can't wait for you guys to read what's in store☺️ I would REEEAALLLYY appreciate it if you can vote😀 I'm pretty new to wattpad so it would especially mean A LOT!!!Whether you choose to vote or not thank you for taking the time to read my story😘
Alright, Alright, back to the show😂
"Back at school, eh?"
I look up at Mike as we enter the building.
"I've been back since Friday."
"Oh, well I haven't seen you I guess.."
I shrug.
"Yeah. And to be fair your boys weren't too nice to me either."
"You mean Todd? It's all in good fun, Dude. You know that right?"
I roll my eyes. Good call, Fred haha.
"Mike, He pushed me down at the court after telling me he 'heard what I said' and crap like that. That sounds malicious if you ask me." I explain.
"I guess so.." Mike shrugs.
We walk in silence to class.
"So it's safe to assume you're not playing ball?"
I scrunch my eyes.
"No. I'm not. And for ME to not play basketball you have to know something is really wrong with the situation. It takes a lot for me to give up on a team. Especially for my favorite sport of all time. I guess ignorance and arrogance are the secret to getting rid of me. And if getting rid of me was your intention you guys did a superb job."
"Asher! I think you're overreacting."
Am I overreacting?..
"Oh, lookie here!" Right on cue Terrible Todd makes his way to the scene of the action.
"Come here, Mike!" Todd laughs as he physically drags Mike away from me.
"Really, Todd? Are we in middle school?" I ask.
"You don't need to whisper in front of me."
"Oh really? We don't talk about people in front of them? Funny story, Boy. Practice what you preach.."
Can't he let that go?! So I told Aly I'm not sure if Maya is my friend in front of Todd's girlfriend without realizing that's his girlfriend! Can't he just get a life!
I can't speak Stupid so I just walk away.
"Oh, by the way, Asher. It's ok if you need to curse at me. I'm a very understanding person and I took the time to research your little "condition".." Todd laughs as he makes quotes with his fingers around condition.
Wow. What a snotnose.
Some people who have Tourette's have a vocal tic called coprolalia which makes them swear, but it's really rare and I don't have it..
"You know what! You're a prick! Do you even know what it's like to have a disability?!"
Oh crap...
"Aly, I got this.." I moan.
"Oh I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I forgot you're part of the pity party, you freak." Todd sneers at me.
Aly looks Todd straight in the eye.
"You're dead to me."
Wow. Is this really the same Aly...
I walk into class and crawl into my seat and out of reality. Yep, I'm REALLY starting to feel sorry for myself right now...

As soon as class ends Aly is waiting right by the classroom door for me.
"Oh wow, hi.." I mumble.
"Hey..." She says quietly not looking up.
"How was English?"
I shrug.
"It's English." I laugh.
"Well..." Aly turns around and spots the basketball idiots.
"Oh.." I mumble as my throat clicks.
"Come walk with me instead." Aly tells me.
"I ain't their friends no more." I giggle.
"Up top!" Aly laughs high fiveing me.
I feel weird hanging around Aly all of a sudden. It feels as if it's not just me who needs "saving", or help, or support. We all need a pal to come to our rescue every now and then. Especially when we don't even notice we do. Yes, when we don't notice. That's the time.
"I have to go to class.." I whine as we walk toward the end of the hallway.
"Asher." Aly responds ignoring what I just said.
She smiles that smile.
"Meet me here as soon as school ends."

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