Chapter 31-

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Holy. Crap.
I am back en mi casa.....
I feel like crying..
What the...
I'm not even off the plane yet and I hear it from the terminal...
I literally jump up out of my seat and run off the plane.
"Young man! You just cut the whole line! Young man!"
I honestly don't give an anything and I continue running.
"AAAAAHHHH!" I run and jump into Evan's arms. My whole team is standing there holding a giant poster with big letter stickers which spell: WELCOME HOME ASHER!
This is unreal. My heart is beating a zillion times a minute.
We huddle, together back as a team this time.
"You guys got new jerseys?! "
I am face to face with these amazing deep blue jerseys. They almost look like big stripes but each stripe is just slightly darker than the last (but don't quote me, or Evan for that matter, we are both colorblind in case you forgot that!). Ok, less digression..the lettering is this sparkly dark athletic gold. Almost a brownish, again, don't quote me. But I'm pretty sure it's correct because I mostly can't see reds...
Anyway, bottom line is hands down we have the SICKEST jerseys. It's even got a golden zig zag down the sides. Even the shorts are Nike and have navy and golden stripes!
Ok, I'll stop fanboying.
"You like?"
"I'm in love!"
"More in love with them jerseys than ALY!!"
"Knock it off!" I kid.
"Well I'm glad you like. Because look!"
Evan pulls out another Flashes jersey and this one has an 8 on it. Oh my gosh...that's my number...
"Take it Westman."
"Are you guys serious? You know I'm-"
"If those guys in Ohio couldn't put you on a team you are more than deserving of, than we will never kick you off our team, even if you don't play with us."
"Well, he does still play for us." Jerry raises an eyebrow.
"We never took you off the team roster."
"Jerry." Gino looks at him.
What's this about?!
"Anyways, Ashy. Where's your dad at?"
"I don't know. I'm guessing he will be here soon."
"Do you think you can hang with us later?"
"As long as my dad doesn't hold me hostage, hell yeah!"
"Asher, come on.." Travis, our 'most reasonable/realistic' player tells me.
No joke, we have team superlatives!
"Asher. There you are! Don't you check your phone?!"
Shoot, I left it on airplane mode...
"Hey, Dad."
"It really is good to see you, Sport."
I smile.
"How are you boys doing?"
Everyone just smiles and says good or something lol.
"Ash, we were going to hang at the courts later if you wanna come?" Nick asks.
"Yeah, sounds fantastic!" I agree.
"We should probably let you guys go home first. We'll see you, Man." Evan pats my shoulder.
"Later, guys. Thank you."

"You're friends seem really nice."
"They're the best."
"How are the boys in Ohio?"
"Really. What a shame. I don't know why your mother moved there. But that's another story."
I shrug.
"'s just strange there with my Tourette''s so much of a big deal there. But here? I almost forget I have it. It was never that big of a deal....Not only are my tics worse but people don't really understand.."
"Yeah I hear you..."
We keep walking.
"You know the Tourette's is from your mom's side? Your cousin has it so it must-"
"Dad, please don't blame mom for everything!"
"Well I will for one thing..."
"Come. Let's go grab some lunch."

What better place to catch up on life than Panera. Home of the best overpriced sandwiches you'll ever find anywhere...what a guy.
"Go grab a table, Ash."
I slide into a booth in the corner. Dad already knows my usual, because anyone who knows me knows my usual: taste two macaroni and cheese with half a Caesar salad.
I look up.
"Hey Barittini..."
"Hey! How are you?!" She hugs me.
"I'm..crazy. Real crazy. Spending some time back here with my dad."
"I can's everything?"
"Hectic. Ohio is way different. But I met this girl and..."
Why am I telling her about Aly? She's Mia's best friend! That's so douchey..
"Oh wow. A lot has changed I guess. I'm actually here with a few friends but if you want to catch up some time let me know I guess?"
"Yeah. Sure." I start blinking so fast I can't even see.
She pats my shoulder and then walks away.
"Food is ready." Dad comes over with the tray.
"Yes!" I exclaim.
If basketball makes me happiest, food is a close second.
"Asher. There's something we need to talk about."
" I know, I behavior..." my arm twitches and my upper body shakes. Ugh I need to know where this is going or my body will destroy me...
"Asher, I was a teenage boy at one point, and I don't really think anything is wrong with your behavior."
"You don't?"
"No. So you went out to a dance? Come on, boys will be boys! That's nothing compared to what I did at your age!"
"So then why am I here?"
"I just can't wrap my head around you in Ohio. When your mother told me about your little 'behavior problem', I interpreted it as why the heck is he living there?! So I thought it would be best for you here to get away from the nonsense. Not because I really think you have any behavior problems! Your mother on the other hand-"
"Ok, ok. I'm sorry."
"To be honest...I was pretty mad at you at first for wanting me to come back here. I felt like a yoyo doing what everyone wanted me to do to be honest. But then I spoke to my boys and I couldn't wait to come back."
"I'm sorry, Asher...but I'm glad you get to see them. Are the boys on your new team nice?"
"Umm I'm not on the team.."
"What?! What's wrong with them! You're amazing!"
"Not because of that...those guys are the worst people I ever met..."
"Really?! That's terrible! What a shame, you had so much potential."
Thanks for the reminder?..
"I know. It sucks..."
I pick up my fork to eat my Mac and cheese but my wrist twitches and I drop my fork. Ugh...
"I don't understand why your mother would move to that place. Seriously, what's wrong with her! But I'll still deal with seeing her this weekend. It's for you and that's what matters."
"Dad! I know that mom has both me and Zoey with her but you don't have to keep bashing her to me...wait the weekend? Mom is coming here this weekend?"
"Yeah, for your Tourette walk. We decided when your mother came here that whether together or apart, that's a tradition we must keep. And well're right. Yes we still have financial struggles, and I do get lonely,'re right. I shouldn't be taking all this out on you. And it was wrong of me to drag you back here just because I'm being selfish.."
Wow, I COMPLETELY forgot about our annual Tourette Syndrome walk! My head is just somewhere else right now I guess...
Suddenly I feel really guilty for everything I told Aly about Dad and this visit. It's crazy how when you're mad at somebody you can only see their worst qualities, and when you really feel for them a shade comes down which only allows you to see their best. It wasn't Dad's fault he was always so busy and had less time to play ball or something.
"You are not selfish, Dad. Everything has been hard on all of us. Next time if you need me to be here, tell me and I'll be here."
"Asher, you are one special kid." Dad tells me sounding all emotional.
I smile.
"Thanks." I croak.

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