Chapter 18-

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Remember when I said I may or may not have a thing for Aly Roth? Well I guess I didn't have to decipher these unusual feelings, because Fred did the dirty work for me. I couldn't concentrate all day because I couldn't stop thinking about Aly wanting to meet up with me...and then the tics came. And they hit me HARD!
"There you are!"
My eyes widen as I swivel around and find my self eye to eye with Aly Roth..
"You silly boy!" Aly giggles.
"Oh, hey!"
"I'm so glad this school day is over." Aly rolls her eyes.
The day is over...shoot I don't remember a darn thing from any of my classes...
"Yeah. Me too." I respond.
"So why did you want to meet me?" I ask as I wink.
"For our buddy meeting!"
Darn. I feel like a balloon and someone stuck a pin in me...
Why would I expect anything more? I'm her "buddy" because I have "special needs"..gosh I hate that so much. I don't understand why my normal has to be considered everyone's different. But Aly is just a nice girl who feels sorry for guys like me...why would I expect anything more?
I blink hard.
"Oh. Ok."
We walk in silence to the guidance department.
" you think this is really necessary?" I ask.
"What?" She asks with some fear in her voice.
"I don't know. This buddy thing. Is this group going to really help me transition to Ohio? Is it really going to stop these guys from how they treat us, get me back to basketball or..or.."
"Asher, be patient."
Aly doesn't look at me the rest of the way to the room.
Her brown hair flows in the hallway breeze as my left arm won't stop dreamy right?
There are so many bulletins on these school walls. It's really crazy. For a small school they really try and get it on!
I glance up at this orange poster that reads: HALLOWEEN DANCE PARTY
Halloween...What a fun day THAT will be! My sister's birthday. And I am going to be her trick-or-treat escort. With Terrible Todd's stupid sister...sorry I'm not good at thinking up good digs.
"What are you doing?! Let's go!"
"I don't know why you're so excited for this meeting." I laugh.
"Well I don't know why you're walking so slow!"
I roll my eyes. Intentionally.
"You're something else. Like seriously you really have nothing better to do a weekday afternoon?" I whine.
Aly giggles as she attempts to walk backwards.
"What are you doing?!"
"I'm pretending to be a tour guide."
"Your tour guide."
I shake my head as I laugh at her.
I grunt a few times as I follow Aly to the guidance room.
We sit down at a table and are the first ones here.
A quiet room with just me and this girl who happens to be Aly... That's the recipe for a ticcy disaster.
Ugh stupid move, Ash!
Saying sooo just makes it hella more awkward!

"Can I tell you something I'm not suppose to say?" Aly closed smiles and looks down as her long hair falls perfectly over her face.
"I have no idea where this is heading...but ok..."
"Well I think your tics are kind of cute.."
I cock an eyebrow.
"Seriously? They're so annoying and even still, they're cute and I'm not! Those pests!" I laugh.
Well, Fred, you were good for something eh? Alright, alright, Asher calm down. All she did was call a medical condition "cute"...
"That's not allowed?" I ask.
"Well.." Aly bites her lip.
"I don't know. We just aren't supposed to talk about disabilities that way..."
"Hey hey hey!!"
Mr. Edward...
This is hella awkward

"Hi! We are buddy bonding." Aly giggles.
"You are a STAR, Ms. Roth! And you too, Asher!"
He leaves the room.
Aly shakes her head.
"He's awkward." She giggles.
"And I'm not?" I laugh.
"Nah. You're just a jock!" Aly snorts.
"Hey! I'm not that jocky! At least not in a snobby way."
"Basketball basketball basketball..." Aly imitates as she attempts to put on my voice...
"Ok, that was lame."
"Yeah it was. But you are a jock! You legit wear Jordan's, nylons and that build every single day!"
What the heck...
"But what's wrong with being a jock?"
"I'm sure you have some weird interests."
"I said nothing is wrong with being a jock!"
"Ok! And I accept your apology! But just tell me your interests. I want to know."
"I told you I used to cheer."
"Used to.. So what do you like to do now?"
"Oh please!"
"No, I'm serious! Stuff like this takes up nearly all my time!" Aly explains.
"Ok. That why you quit cheer?"
"Eh- what?" Aly looks up.
"Cheer. That why you quit?"
"Um. No. But I'll save that story for another day."
"Oh come on! You expect me to open up about my 'problems'. You can at least tell me why you quit cheer!"
"IT'S NOT IMPORTANT!'s forget it.. It's...I'm sorry..."
"'s okay. We don't have to talk about it. I didn't realize it would upset you that much."
"No. It shouldn't. It's fine."
We don't say another word for a few minutes.

"Aly, if I never joined this think we still would have met?"
"I'm sure eventually." Aly shrugs.

Knock knock!
"Yo, Aly. Got a minute?"
Some tall blonde guy walks in.
"Oh hey! Matt is another buddy here. This is my buddy, Asher.."
"Hi!" Matt greets me.
"Alright. So what's up.."
I don't even know what they're talking about, but it doesn't sound like how Aly normally talks to me.

I should of known she is a fake. She only feels bad for me. Nothing more. I don't need her pseudo compliments. Besides, Fred isn't cute. He's sexy.

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