Chapter Three

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Moons passed and Caspian fell into his new role of Jericho's servant, thinking the term to be more dignifying than 'the General's little Pet Prince' as nobles and royals like to refer to him.

Caspian counted twelve moons since becoming a slave to the bastard General, an entire year gone in the blink of an eye.

Though it is not something he was proud of Caspian was glad that being Jericho's slave didn't warrant him any beatings and starvation. He was treated well with all the food he could eat and a safe place to sleep out of the open sky.

"Wake up" the stable boy was shaking Caspian rather harshly and Caspian scowled at him.

"What?" the Prince asked and climbed from under the sheets.

"Our Lord wishes to see you" the boy sneered.

"He is not my Lord" Caspian mumbled a bit vexed, his lips curling back in disgust. The damned roosters have not crowed as yet but still the bastard wanted him up.

Caspian cursed and grumbled under his breath as he stomped all the way to the General's study coming to a stop and glaring at the man.

"Tell me Little Prince, why so little resistance from you this past year?" Jericho asked with a little frown making him look rather dashing. Caspian could see that the General has been awake for a long time judging by the way he seemed chipper.

"You had me roused so early to chat idly as to why I am doing what I agreed to do?" Caspian practically yelled at Jericho.

"Well if you must know" Caspian narrowed his eyes at the wretched man.

"I do not enjoy serving you or generally being in your presence since it is utterly revolting to me. But I rather spend my years among the living pleasantly" Caspian scowled at Jericho who smiled at him.

"What is it you roused me so early for General?" Caspian asked a bit exasperated and flustered at how handsome Jericho looked with that damned smile.


"Pardon! You had me woken, rudely might I add for nothing?" Caspian contemplated launching his body at the General and trying his best to kick the snot out of him but instead he closed his eyes for a moment and blew out a long breath then glared at the other man.

Jericho held back a laugh, Caspian's reaction, the fire and light in his eyes rousing Jericho in a far different way than Caspian was.

"No and yes" Jericho smiled in a way that made Caspian take a step back. A very rare occurrence for the General to smile so genuinely since Caspian knew the man only smiled evilly. Even the man's eyes were soft, slight dimples on full display and his hair fell over his left eye making him look both sensual and roguish.

"Today is your birth day right?" Jericho asked and Caspian frowned mentally counting the moons he has been under the General's rule and frowned even harder when he realized that indeed today was his birth day, nine days after the second moon. Caspian nodded dumbly.

"Then you are to do nothing today. My only request is that you let me spend the day with you. A fair is set up in the village and I would like to take you" Jericho says quietly staring at the boy. Caspian is at a loss for words; a man only takes someone to those kinds of things for one in two reasons only, to get between that person's thighs at the end or if they're courting.

The latter seemed too absurd to Caspian and the first frightened and excited him at the same time.

"Bathe and await me in my chambers" Jericho ordered.

"Alright General" Caspian says tightly and quickly shuffled out the room, his heart galloping away.

All sorts of thoughts plague him. The Prince has heard of Centuruim's men lying with one another and some were even recognized as life partners but that was only for those of noble blood.

Caspian's Vengeance [#Wattys2016] ManxMan|| #lgbtqWhere stories live. Discover now