Chapter Five

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Jericho could not get the memory of the way Caspian's face twists up in disgust whenever he approaches him for a bout between the sheets and they were quite often making Jericho wonder how his seed could be so abundant even after taking Caspian at least twice a day sometimes four times and still stiffen whenever he catches sight of the boy while he flits about doing his chores.

Since the Prince's birthday his nights were spent in the General's chambers naked.

There were moments when Caspian looked at the General in a way that made the battle hardened warrior's stomach flutter and in that same instance it would disappear and no matter how he tried to show the boy how he feels he can never get it across to Caspian plain enough for him to see.

Jericho often laid awake and watched Caspian as he slept. The first few months Caspian would have terror filled dreams that often left Jericho wondering what could make his brave little Prince frightened so. Most times he awoke not to a screaming kicking mess but a silent petrified boy; those were the ones that made Jericho uneasy.

This night was no different, though rare. It began with the thrashing. There were no whimpers or even gasps; it was as if Caspian held his breath through the entire ordeal. Jericho felt his heart slap against his ribcage at the way Caspian's face twisted in agony. Oh how he wished he knew what Caspian dreamt of on nights like these.

"Wake up little Prince" Jericho began.

The screaming and kicking he could deal with but having his little Prince so frightened that he could not even make a sound that was something else.

"It is only a dream Caspian. Wake up" Jericho shook Caspian's shoulder hoping to stir him but Caspian instead turned and curled up on himself his breaths coming in hard pants as he twisted and turned every which way he could.

Jericho has seen blood and guts, death and destruction since he could walk but watching as the harder he shook Caspian it seemed the deeper he stuck in his dream had him frightened of tonight's outcome.

It mattered not how hard Jericho shook Caspian's body or how many times he shout for Caspian to wake up. Caspian was well and truly taken by his bad dream.

"Wake up" Jericho knew not what to do as he too knew a thing or two about terrible dreams.

His own fear for his lover increased when Caspian's hands held onto himself, clawing at his sides and legs leaving bloody scratches in their wake.

Trying his best Jericho wrestled Caspian onto his back and managed to get his hands in a firm grip at his sides to stop the Prince from harming himself anymore and yet Caspian did not wake. His eyeballs moved rapidly behind his lids, lips parted on a silent scream and his chest heaved rapidly.

Jericho felt this time he may not be able to draw his little Prince back to him and with that thought in mind he pinched Caspian's nose closed and pressed his lips onto his lover's.

Moments passed and Jericho finally heard Caspian's whimpers over the loud thudding of his heart.

"Thank the Gods" Jericho breathed when he released Caspian's lips and nose and his little Prince attached himself to Jericho, silent tears streaming and so relieved that he was finally out of that dreadful dream.

"Shh... It is alright little one. You are safe" Jericho murmured and petted Caspian's hair.

Well into the morning Jericho held Caspian, stroking his skin and placing comforting kisses to his lover's temple; feeling all the scars across Caspian's back, his chest and Jericho wondered why Caspian, a Prince in his own right with his own land and people would march into battle when his soldiers were supposed to do that.

"Why did you search me out in battle Caspian?" Jericho asked tracing one long scar around Caspian's left hip. Jericho thought he would not answer but a shuddering breath later Caspian did.

"You had killed my father and in his place six months later was another man; Oculus. He used to beat me, starve the servants. He nearly emptied my country's chests" Caspian did not look at Jericho; he could not let him see how he had feared Oculus.

"I hated you because if you had not killed my father Oculus never would have done what he did to me. To my country, he raped my mother, all the servant girls elder than ten and four. And no matter how many servants he beat I was always his favorite" Caspian held onto Jericho tighter and braced himself for his own past.

"I always enjoyed peaceful things. Books and planting the gardens. Oculus knew that when I reached of age he would have to give up the throne to its rightful owner and so he punished me for that" Caspian's voice took on a faraway tone but he never let go of Jericho.

"He whipped me almost every day. I was so young and so frightened of him. He always told me if I kept my mouth shut he would spare the girls and so I did. I never even so much as whimpered when he fetched me for my beatings. I had secretly begun training for battle at ten and five years old hoping to strike Oculus and you from the Earth. I believed with everything in me that if you had not taken my father my life, my country's life would have been different and so began my vengeance" Caspian's face buried in Jericho's neck and still the Prince continued squeezing his eyes shut. Up until now Jericho never uttered a word or made sound. He kept a blank expressionless face.

Caspian remained quiet after, suspicious of himself. How could he tell the General all these things, these private things, his inner demons?

Has he come to trust the General with these parts of him? Caspian knew not but having Jericho's arms around him after such dreadful dreams means so much to him, so much that he does not think he could ever put it into words.



This chappie gets to me...

Shout out to:




demonless smile31920



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