Chapter 2

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By the end of the day, Ceaser's plan was fully formed and he was ready to execute it. He told Claire to cancel all his appointments before he made his way towards the elevator.

A minute later the elevator dinged open into the lobby. Ceaser stepped out and headed outside. All heads turned as he walked by. It had always been like that for Ceaser. He was an epitome of perfection and the ladies couldn't keep their eyes off of him. A man who has been the cover of the top business magazine - All Business Central - for three consecutive years. Had been labelled sexy, hot bachelor among other things. He was already used to the attention since the last issue of the magazine.

"Have a nice day sir" Clarence – the doorman - said as he opened the door for him.

Ceaser gave him a curt nod as he exited the building spotting Patrick and the car waiting for him in front of the building. Claire knew to call Patrick to get the car ready every time he left the office, she didn't need to be told again. Patrick held the door open and closed it after he got in.

"Where to sir?" Patrick asked after he got in and started the car

"Freddie and Co." Ceaser replied.

Ceaser arrived at Freddie and Co a few minutes later. He got out of the car and made his way into the building and towards the elevator. As he entered, the receptionist couldn't utter a word, she just gaped at him.

He pushed the button to the elevator and waited for it.

Oh, how he hated waiting.

It didn't take long for the elevator to arrive and Ceaser stepped aside as people exited the elevator, the last person stepped out gawking at him like the rest of the female population before she walked past him. Ceaser ignored her and moved to enter the elevator as he stared down at his phone just at the same time another person stepped out, their shoulders bumped which made a bag fall to the ground. Ceaser was already on the edge of losing it because of the wait and this person couldn't watch where they were going and it angered him. He was about giving her a piece of his mind when the woman bent to pick her purse and then the sleeping child in her arms caught his attention. She had brown hair just like the woman carrying her, in different shades. She looked so adorable. He was not a kids person but something about this child right here just made him melt at the sight of her.

He bent to help the woman gather her things and when she looked at him, he froze.

Jules smiled at him when they got her things.
"Thank you."

"You're welcome." He said as they both rose from the ground.

Coffee brown eyes. Hair in a simple bun. Work clothes that were sexy yet professional.

Ceaser never thought he'd ever be attracted to a woman who was plain and simple but something about her sparked an interest in him.

He was about to introduce himself when she gave him a final smile and walked away. He stood there watching her as she stepped out of the company building. He considered going after her but the elevator was closing and he had to get in quick. He got into the elevator before it closed shut.

Still thinking about her – the woman he had bumped into, he made it to the top floor and walked into the lobby spotting Freddie Danfort's assistant. She was pretty but so were many others.

She saw him approaching and quickly got up, her eyes went wide.
"Mr... Mr. Thompson." she stuttered.

The Thompson's never had any business dealings with Freddie and Co. so he never had a reason to contact him. But now he wanted to make a proposal which Danfort had to accept.

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