Chapter 15

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When Selene and Eric had invited Jules and Ivy to their place for lunch, Jules hadn't been thinking clearly then or throughout the entire week. She had woken up that Saturday morning and figured it was like every other Saturday until a text message from Selene which said she and Eric were looking forward to seeing her and Ivy that afternoon with their home address at the end of the text reminded her what she had agreed to. Or rather what that whose-name-shall-not-be-mentioned agreed to on her behalf.

Now she was making him sound like Voldemort.
He might as well be.
Darn, you Voldy!

She and Ivy were set to leave. She had dressed Ivy in a sky blue and baby pink flowery gown while Jules wore a yellow sundress. Not a blind-me yellow.

She placed Ivy in her carrier at the back seat and locked the door. She got into the driver's seat and placed her purse on the passenger's seat. She started the engine and put the address Selene had sent into the GPS before she drove off.

Almost an hour later Jules finally arrived at a huge house which the GPS confirmed it was the Thompson's. The first thought that came to her was: This is where Ceaser grew up. It was big and so beautiful. Jules drove through the wide-open gate but was stopped by a security guard.

"Name?" The angry security guard asked

Was that his normal face or did someone piss him off today?
Jules thought to herself.

"Jules Jenna." She answered the guard.

She expected him to check a book or something but he didn't
"The Thompson's are expecting you."

"I know, that's why I'm here." Jules wanted to say but instead said "Thank you." She drove in, going around the roundabout before she found a safe spot and parked her car. She turned the engine off and picked her purse slinging across her shoulder before she got out of the car. She opened the backseat and picked the carrier, Ivy in it playing with her favourite toy. Ivy smiled when she saw her and Jules smiled back at her as she reached inside to pick the bottle of wine she had purchased on her way. She shut the car door before she made her way to the entrance of the house and the door was pulled open just as soon as she got there. Selene stood there smiling at her.

"Jules, welcome, it's so good to have you here." she said giving Jules a quick hug before she bent and picked up Ivy from the carrier and into her arms "Hey honey." Jules smiled at Selene's lack of subtlety as she watched the older woman kiss a giggling Ivy "Please do come in."

Jules stepped in right behind Selene and shut the door behind them. She turned and gaped at the huge entrance. It had two large staircases on either side and in between the stairs leading to another room in the house. It was so big, bright and beautiful.

"Let's go in honey," Selene said as she led Jules right between the stairs taking them to the other magnificent part of the house – the living room. Jules sighed at the breathtaking view. It had a floor to ceiling glass wall which showed the pool outside and the incredible view of the city.

"Have a seat," Selene said.

"Thank you," Jules said as she took a seat on the couch and placed Ivy's carrier beside the couch.

"Eric, get down here," Selene yelled out.

Jules heard footsteps coming from one of the stairs and Eric appeared at the entrance and entered the living room smiling when he saw her.

"Hello, Eric." Jules greeted him with a smile as she got up with her hand extended.

Eric ignored her hand
"Come here you." He pulled her in for a quick fatherly hug.

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