Just The Right Black

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Jace's POV

Just as I hung up the woman in question walked in looking like nothing had happened.

"Sorry I'm late" she said.

"Everything alright?" I asked.

"Hmm-uhm. Yea" she said looking me in the eye.

That hurt.

I don't know why but it did.

How could she lie to my face?

I got up and made my way in front of my desk and sat on the edge.

"How could you look me in the eye and lie to my face?" I asked

She looked away and I saw her jaw tick.
"The director shouldn't have told you anything" she said

"I asked him and besides its not something classified that you have to hide from me" I said "I don't know when you're gonna start trusting me enough to tell me anything that happens to you"

She looked at me then
"I'm not here to gain or give my trust. I'm here because I have a job to do and I can't be dopey at it by giving inane information that doesn't concern you"

I clenched my jaw.
"Inane? You think anything that happens to you is unimportant?" I got up and walked slowly to her "As for trust; how would any of this work if we don't trust eachother?"

She was quiet.

So was I...for a while.

"Take your jacket off" I said, more of a whisper.

"What?" She said.

"I want to see it" I said.

"See what?" She asked.

"The bullet wound" I said.

"It's not a wound; barely a scratch" she said

I stayed quiet, eyes on her as I insisted.

She sighed as she reached for the lapels of her jacket, I watched her face as she took it off. I caught her face wrinkle from the pain; barely a nanosecond before she covered it up. She held the jacket in her left hand. I looked at her right arm.

"'Barely a scratch' you say" I said "Why is there a bandage then?"

She was quiet for a while
"Extra precaution" she said

I almost smiled then.

"You might be a good liar when it comes to federal secrets and information but you're not such a good liar when it comes to the real world" I said

I reached for her arm as I rubbed my thumb beneath the bandage
"Does it hurt?" I asked

She looked up at me

"We're back to 'barely'?" I asked.

She smiled
"A little"

"First bullet wound?"

"Third" she said

I looked at her face with a raised brow.

"The back of my left shoulder" she said

I smiled and went behind her. Her tank top didn't cover the scar so it was easy to spot. I ran my fingers on it.

"First?" I asked

"Above my left hip" she said

My gaze traced every single curve from the back of her shoulder to her hip before I reached between her left hand and her body placing my hand on her hip.

Her shoulders lifted in a quiet sigh.

"Here?" I asked

I felt her right hand on mine as she shifted it up a notch.
"There" she said

I walked closer, closing the distance between her and me. I lowered my head and placed a kiss on her nape.
"Nothing about you is inane; I want to know what happens to you because I care. I honestly don't know what would happen after all this is over."

Ari's POV

I was shocked into stillness.

What is happening to him?

What is happening to me?

What is this? What does this mean?

I swallowed hard before I pushed away his hand and walked to my position.

"You can't pretend for long that you don't feel it too" I heard him say "You say and do a different thing but your body tells another. I'm supposed to stay away but I can't. One look at you and I lose all patience, a slight touch and I want to slowly discover the woman I know is beneath that trained soldier"

"Enough!" I snapped as I turned round to come face to face with him; he had walked across the room. "You don't know me. You don't know anything about me so stop with all of this because nothing is going to happen"

"Look at me and tell me you don't feel this thing between us" he said


Shaking my head I looked at him
"Drop it" I said before I walked away putting on my jacket on the way out.

I slammed the door shut as I stepped out.

Bridget looked at me from where she was with a questioning gaze.

I sighed inwardly, holding my breath before releasing slowly.

A phone rang and I turned to Bridget as she quickly picked up the call.



"Yes sir" she said before she hung up and dialed a number.

"Hi. I'd like to book a table for two for Mr. Black" she said


"Well, make one cause he'll be there in a few minutes" she said


"Thank you" she hung up

"What was that all about?" I asked

She just smiled at me and at that same moment the door behind me opened and I froze.

Bridget got up
"It's done sir"

"I don't doubt it Bridget" he said "Ready to go?" He asked, standing close behind me

I turned round to face him with my brow raised in question.
"Anytime you are, sir" I said instead

I could have sworn I saw hurt or anger cross his face but it was gone before I could even blink.

He just smiled before he made his way towards the elevator with me following close behind.

What is he up to?

He knows I hate it when he goes out for lunch. Only cause he invites me to join him.

I do cause it looks out of place with me - his bodyguard - standing in the middle of a five-star restaurant.

He only goes out for lunch to push my buttons and he's doing it again.

For those who haven't read my book Just The Right Black, that's a preview and I'm only informing you because I will be taking it down mid January. So, you have now till then to read it. Else you'd have to head to Dreame and pay to read it.

As Just The Right Black is my first action/thriller book, not so much of that but being my first of that genre, I'm really proud of it. So, please do check it out.

Jane Lanett 💜

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