Chapter 7

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They were half way through their meal and Ivy was back with Jules as she had to feed her the mashed potatoes and minced meat while she cut through her steak.

"What's scary about it?" Ceaser asked.

She looked at him swallowing before taking a sip of the white wine.
"Hmm, well..." She swallowed "'s safe when you know someone and you're able to predict their actions because then you know what's coming and what to expect from them. It does get boring in time but it's safe than being around unpredictable people. It's scary to be around them." She looked at him "You never know what to expect from them. They do things you never think they'd do. They surprise you in many ways, both good and bad. So, for me, even though it's fun to be around unpredictable people, it also scares me on what to expect from them because you never know what's coming."

He watched her before a smile formed on his lips.

"So, you like being around me even though it scares you?" He asked.

Jules nodded slowly
"I know nothing about you except that you're a gentleman and the way you are when Ivy is around, the way you treat her, I get a glimpse of the kind of man you are." She paused. "I've avoided dating and relationships in general because of a really bad past and after I adopted Ivy, the what-I-call-suitors just...fled. Like I said; No man wants to date a single mom and it became convenient for me." She paused "But here we are. I-I don't mean here on a date. It's not like we're dat..."

"We are on a date." Ceaser had a smile on his face from trying not to laugh at how fucking sexy she looked when she got nervous.

"Right," Jules said looking away as fast as she could before she said something embarrassing again.

"Ivy's adopted?" She frowned as she snapped her gaze back up at him.

Did she tell him that?

"You mentioned it earlier," Ceaser answered her unasked question.

"Hmm, yes." That's all she could say after letting it slip out.

"How long?" He asked.

"It's been a few months."

"How old is she?"


Ceaser noticed she wasn't comfortable with talking about the adoption with him.
"Well, from what you said, I don't actually like children, or at least I thought I didn't. But Ivy; Ivy's special. She's not like the other kids" Ceaser explained. "That's why I'm the way I am with her; when you've disliked something or someone your whole life and finally find one that's worth the trouble, you go a long way to do anything to keep it or them. She's special."

Jules watched Ivy playing with her toy with a smile on her lips.
"She is." Jules sighed as that familiar feeling hit again. "She's the only family I have left. I never want to lose her. My prayer every day is for God to let her be mine forever because it's still hard to believe I'm her mother."

Jules looked at Ceaser and saw something flash in his eyes but it went as quickly as it came.

"I know it's selfish but I can't give her up. I would never give her up, not now, not ever. Every time I think about her parents giving her up, I wonder how they could possibly do that to her, but it's their loss. I love her and she is mine now, no matter what our DNA says."

Ceaser was silent as he took that in.

"So, tell me something about you that would make you seem less of a stranger," Jules said

Ceaser sighed with a smile.
"Well..." Their conversation was smooth as Ceaser talked about work and family avoiding a lot of things like his real name, his role in the company, his agenda.

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