Chapter 5

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"Wake up Jess" I hear aunt Lora yell

"I'm up I'm up" I say half asleep, I make myself sit up but I sit there for a second looking at the other side of the bed thinking about last night I swear it felt like someone sat on the bed but I must of been dreaming

I walk downstairs to where aunt Lora making breakfast

"Morning" I say as I grab a cup of coffee

"Gooood morning" she smiles at me, she's a morning person "wants some pancakes"

"Yes please" I say as she hands me a plate of pancakes

We sit at the table "Did you have a good night sleep?" She ask

"Yeah but it's strange being in a new house" I say as I take a huge bite

"We will get used to it" she gives me a small smile, I shrug I guess I'm just homesick

After breakfast we sit in the living room watching movies mostly start wars movies.

"Hey did you want some ice cream?" She ask out of the blue


"Okay I'll go get some" I know she just wants to leave because she's not a fan of the Star Wars movies so I'm sure she will take her time but I like that she does make a effort we have watched 2 of them so far

"Okay" she leaves leaving me alone in the house for the first time

I continue watching the move but I hear a noise I pause the movie and listen I hear it again I think it's coming from the basement, I walk over to the door I take a deep breath and open the door. I'm not going to be scared but I still feel the need to say "hello" like a idiot thankfully no one replied because I have no idea what I would of done, but I swear I see a person shadow "o okay it's just your imagination" I say as I walk down the stairs I get to the bottom of the stairs, i don't have a game plan so I really hope it's just my imagination but right now I feel like the girl in the beginning of a horror film who dies because she's an idiot.

just as i start looking around I feel a hand on my shoulder.

The Boy That Lives In My HouseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora