Chapter 42

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Luke gave me the okay to go meet his sister and I beg aunt Lora to drive me up to where she lives which is about an hour away. I told her that I wanted to go to the comic book store up there and she said she was happy to take me.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever" aunt Lora says as we drive up there

"I know. How's work?" I ask

"Good, everyone very nice" she smiles

"That's good" I smile which catchers off guard

"How's school?" She asks me trying to not make a big deal

"It's good I have a couple friends" I tell her

"That's amazing I'm so proud of you" she smiles "I'm glad you're smiling again" I can tell she's getting teary eyed

"Me too"

We pull up in front of the comic book store I actually do really want to go in there but it will have to wait.

"Thanks I'll see you later" I say as i unbuckle

"I'm going to go to the mall do a little shopping I'll be back in a couple hours" she says

I wave goodbye and wait for her to drive away, once she does I make my way to Lucy house, its not that far thankfully.

Her house is a normal looking house, I walk up to the door and take a deep breath I'm actually really nervous.

I knock on the door and wait.

The door opens to reveal who I guess is Lucy, she's really pretty she doesn't look 40.

"Are you Jess?" She asks me

"Yes Lucy?" I ask back even though I know it has to be her

"I am. Nice to meet you" she smiles "come in"

I walk in.

"We can sit and talk on the couch" she tells me

I notice there's a lot of photos of her family.

"What do you want to know" she says I can tell she's nervous

"Tell me about your life now"I ask her

"Well I'm married have been for 13 years" she smiles looking at her wedding ring "I have a boy who is 10 and a little girl who is 5"

"What's their names?"

She smiles "lily and Lucas"

I smile I know Luke will like that.

"Here's a picture" she picks up one that setting on the coffee table

I grab it, the little boy looks just like Luke and the girl looks like Lucy.

"Their really cute" i tell her

"Thanks" she smiles at the picture and sets it back down

She looks at me serious now "so you live in my old house?"

"Yes" I nod

She closes her eyes tight like she's fighting back memories.

"Your the first person to live there since" she trails off

"What happened?"

"It was a long time ago but It feels like it was yesterday" she takes a deep breath "me and my brother his name was Luke" she smiles

I give her a small smile.

"Our parents died when we were 7 and after that we went into the foster system. We were in homes after homes, until we went to live with a woman named Miss Eva Watson, we knew the drill stay out of her way but the longer we were there the more horrible she got. She would yell at us for no reason and the things she would say were horrible it always made me cry, Luke tried to act tough but I know it got to him." I can see tears in her eyes " she used to slap us and punch us all the time even breaking bones and lock us up in the basement for a couple days. One day I decided to look her up and what I saw was terrible, she did the same thing to other children but most of them died in her care, I told Luke and he thought we should run away but somehow she found out." She sighs " I was at the house alone and she confronted me I of course denied and that made her even more mad, she started beating me i was barley Conscience when Luke came to rescue me he pushed her off of me but miss Watson had a knife in her apron she stab Luke and then me, it all happened so fast but I remember her pushing Luke down the stair and he never got back up and I closed my eyes thinking this is the end"

She crying now.

"When I woke up in the hospital and asked how Luke was they said that he didn't make it but they told me that Miss Watson was okay and she explained everything" she laughs but it's a humorless laugh "she lied and said that Luke tried to kill me and her. I left town after that I think most people in that town thinks I'm dead."

"I'm sorry" is all I can think of to say

"I just try not to think about it" she shakes her head

"Do you know what happened to Miss Watson?" I ask

"No" she sighs "but I know she still alive"

"Your not writing a paper are you?" She asks me

"What?" I say confused

"You haven't wrote anything down. Did you want to know since you live in the house now"

"Yes" I nod which is kinda true

"You shouldn't be scared it just a house" she says but I know she doesn't even believe that

"Would you like to come over?" I ask her

"I'm not ready yet" she gives me a small smile

The Boy That Lives In My HouseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin