Chapter 27

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Luke pov

I feel like such a jerk, I'll be surprised if Jess will ever talks to me again and I won't blame her if she doesn't.

Why did I act like that?

I should be happy for her, I'm sure he's a nice guy and she's right I don't know him I'm not even sure if he's even a quarterback?

What wrong with me?!

And she shouldn't have to tell me anything about her past its none of my business she's been respectful of my past and hasn't asked me anything.

I almost acted as if I was jealous? and why would I be we aren't together like she said we are just friends, it's not like we could be anything more even if I did want to.

I've been alone for so long and now I finally found someone and i ruined it.

I don't want to lose her she's the best thing that's happened to me in a really long time.

Jess pov

Why did he get so mad? Does he really not like Eli, did Eli do something and that's why like doesn't like him?

I don't want us to fight and I don't want him to be mad at me.

I'm not really good at talking and connecting with people but with Luke it's easy I can actually be myself and we respect each other privacy.

Yes I know I haven't told him everything but he hasn't ask not that I want to talk about it, I mean I respected his privacy.

But what if I do tell him about my past and he doesn't look at me the same.

And he believes I think he's a murder? I don't know what I think, was that his way of telling me he actually killed people?

But I know deep down he's a good person.

He almost acted like he was jealous? or something which is crazy because I know he doesn't like me in that way I mean we are just friends.

And even if I did like him like that we can't he's dead and I'm not.

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