Chapter 9

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Me and aunt Lora watch a movie in her room after dinner about half way in it she falls asleep, I'm ready for bed too but after today I know someone was here I know what I heard and now I don't want to be alone so I just sleep in aunt Lora room, I'll just pretend I fell asleep during the movie.

"Do you want some coffee?" I ask aunt Lora

"Always" she replies

We drink our coffee in comfortable silence I like that I like when it when no one needs to talk and it won't be awkward.

"We both better get going or we are going to be late" she says

"Okay" I sigh not wanting to go

"You want me to drive you?"

"No I like walking" I give her a small smile and grab my stuff and make my way to the door

I open my locker to get something out of it, I feel people staring at me it creeps me out but I just a ignore them.

I go to my classes and finally it's lunch.

"Hey girl" Mary comes up to me

"O hey" I say back

"Let's go sit down" she says walking to their table, I sit next to Eli

"Hey" Eli says to me

"Hi" I reply

"How's your second day going?"

"Fine people are still staring" I tell him

"Don't worry about it by next week they'll stop" he smiles at me

"I hope so"

"Friday we are having a party you should come with us" Jeff says

"Yes totally" Mary agrees, I really don't like parties but I need to make friends and they were nice enough to ask me

"Yeah okay" I give them a little smile

"We can pick you up if you want" Eli tells me


"Where do you live?" Mary asks me

"On cane street" I tell them they all freeze even Kate who's been on her phone since I've sat down "what?" I ask them confused

"Please tell me your not living in that big scary house on cane street" Mary asks slowly

"Umm yeah why?" I look at them

"You don't know do you" Eli says

"Know what?" I ask

"Of course she doesn't know or else she would be terrified" kate says to Eli

"Don't be so dramatic" Jeff rolls his eyes

"I'm not" she huffs

"What happened?" I ask Kate

"This boy who was like our age murdered his mom and sister and then killed himself in that house" she whispers, I try to act like I'm not scared but I am I'm terrified

"That's horrible" I breath out

"Yeah you might wake up and see him in your bedroom" Jeff laugh, I nervously laugh

"Don't listen to him ghost aren't real" Eli says softly

"I know" Is all I say

"I would sleep with all the light on if I were you" Mary says

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