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"Let me explain last night."

That's the first complete sentence that Lauren has said to me in 10 days. She says these words to me as soon as I walk through the door. I should've been happy and excited, I know. But I can't look at her and not be disgusted at the thought of her sleeping with some girl who wasn't me. So I decline.

"You have nothing to explain. It's okay." I say softly.

Looking absolutely devastated, she says, "but I didn't even-"

"What, it didn't mean anything? It's okay. Even it did mean something. You don't have to explain anymore-"

I'm cut off by knocking on the door.

"I'll... I'll get it," I say as I turn around and open the door, revealing Elijah again. "Yeah?" I ask.

"Umm, my hoodie. It's drizzling a bit outside, sorry," he says shyly, reminding me that I'm still wearing the one he allowed me to borrow.

"Oh, sorry. Here." I pull off the hoodie and hand it to him. "Thanks, by the way."

"No problem. I'll see you soon, yeah?"

"Yeah," he grinned. "Thanks for today."

With a smile, I close the door, and as soon as I turn around, I see Lauren with a mixture of emotions showing through her eyes.

"Who's... who's that?" she asks. If I didn't know better, I would've considered that she might be jealous.

"My partner for the Bazaar shoot."

Her eyes widen. "That... that was today?"

I nod with a weak smile.

Her eyebrows scrunch up and she frowns. "I... how... how'd it go?" she asks, sounding really nervous.

"Umm, I don't really remember."


I sigh. "I haven't slept in over 30 hours, okay? I'm still really floaty."

"I'm sure you did great."

A yawn escapes my mouth. "Yeah. I'm just... I need a nap. Is that okay?"

"Yeah. Get-get some rest, yeah?"

I nod. "I'm glad you're talking to me again."

"I... I am, too."

"I got you something," I say as I bring out a little velvet box from my bag. "Don't worry, it's just a necklace. They, umm, it was an accessory for the shoot. It just... it reminded me of you so they allowed me to keep it." I place the box on the table closest to us. I don't want her to flinch or move away if we touch. She still hates me, and I don't need another reminder.

She looks down. "Thanks."

I smile weakly. "I miss you."

She opens her mouth as if to say something, but she decides against it afterwards. She just nods instead.

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