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This chapter was boring and a filler

Sorry :3


Chapter Thirty-Eight

When Seline awoke, the first thing that she noticed was the silence. Her senses had been dulled due to whatever drug Jordan had given her, but not being able to hear a single thing was odd for a vampire, even with decreased power. She hated silence. There weren't any voices around her, nor was there any machine hum, which was especially strange, considering how she was in a helicarrier.

She was in a circular cell. The single wall that went around it was glass and the floors were steel, but painted over to feel like something else. She knew that she could break out of this. It would take time, but she could. Somehow, she knew that this was built for something weaker than her.

But even so, she didn't really want to break out. She could feel herself slowly slipping away while she was in New Orleans. Perhaps being isolated for a little while was good for her.

Then again, she wasn't isolated. She looked up to see Director Fury watching her closely, his brow furrowed. Seline had never met him, but she and the other supernatural creatures knew a lot about SHIELD, and of course, knew a lot about Nick Fury as well. He almost looked worried.

"You look more nervous than I am, and I'm the one in a metal cage," she said to him, raising an eyebrow as she sat up from the long padded cushion she had been laying on.

He stayed quiet for a second, then finally spoke the words she really, really didn't want to hear.

"Your friends Jordan and Jacob are here."

"They should be in New York," she said immediately.

"They were worried about you," he argued. "And from what they've told us, they had a right to be."

She raised a brow at him, then realized what was wrong. "I assume they told you everything they know of me. Not that you didn't know the majority of that information already."

"They did," he nodded. "And Loki helped a little with that, too."

"He knows less of me than he thinks he does," she said, looking down at her hands. The ones she had killed with. "He should have figured that out when I murdered the assassins sent to kill him."

"You're wrong," he said, and she looked right back up at him in surprise. "He knew you well enough that you'd do anything to keep the people you care about safe. That's how he knew that the only way you weren't with your closest friend, Jordan Goss, in his time of need... Then you were fighting someone who wanted to hurt him."

She stayed quiet for a little while, narrowing her eyes into slits. Then she relaxed a little, and leaned back against the glass. "Perhaps he does know me. So what? It doesn't really matter now. He should stay away, run while he still has the chance."

"Why would he run from the person who saved his life?"

"Because that person can just as easily rip it away if even the slightest bit of control is lost."

He didn't say anything for a little while. But then he smiled, and turned away and walked down the hall, away from her cell. He spoke again before he turned the corner.

"You have more control than you think, Miss Volkov."


Loki couldn't help but watch Jordan as he entered into the meeting room, the two of them now the only occupants of it. Seline fascinated him, and her choice in friends even more so. This man was rather interesting in Loki's eyes.

You see, Loki had a talent for seeking out the darkness in people. But in this vampire, he saw none. He was very similar to Seline in that way. He was full of light and happiness. Loki could tell that Jordan had recently suffered a great loss, which still lingered in his eyes, but he also knew that the pain of that loss would fade. Jordan had a fire in his soul that would never go away. Just like Seline.

"I don't believe we have yet been formally introduced," Loki said, standing up and holding out his hand across the table. "I am Loki Laufeyson."

Jordan was taken aback by the man's politeness. Was this really the same person who had attacked New York only a few years ago? Even so, he clasped his hand with Loki's. He wasn't exactly one to judge changes in personalities.

"Jordan Goss."

They both sat across from each other, awaiting the arrival of the Avengers, as well as Fury, Sam, Wanda, and Jacob.

Jordan looked over at Loki, a small smirk coming onto his lips.

"Is something the matter?" Loki asked, raising a brow.

"No, of course not. I'm just not at all surprised that Seline took a liking to you."

"And why is that?" It was Loki's turn to be taken aback.

"She has a particular talent for being able to find the very best in people. If anyone could find the best in the man that The Avengers deemed as a villain, it's her. According to Thor, she's already changed you for the better, which also isn't surprising."

"Yes," Loki hummed, nodding. "She also has a habit of seeing not even the slightest bit of good in herself. I find that unfortunate."

"Is that why you came? To show her just how amazing she truly was? Because believe me, Reindeer Games, I've been trying to show her for nearly two centuries."

Loki grimaced at the use of Stark's nickname for him.

"But then again, maybe you can get through to her..." Jordan muttered.

"Why do you think it's so difficult for her to see the good in her life? The best things in herself?" Loki asked.

Jordan looked nervous, almost uncomfortable. "Well, she... You see, Seline hasn't always been this happy. Before I met her, she was... She had a darker heart than she does now. For the longest time, she craved death more than anything. But she wasn't allowed to have it. Whatever, or whoever, created her... They didn't give her a choice. Not like she gave to the people she changed. She died, and came back as what she deems as a monster. Yes, she uses her powers for good to turn others into creatures like her so that they can continue living, but in her mind, nothing will ever make up for the body count she's racked up. Nothing will ever wash the blood off her skin. Her hands are stained with it for all eternity."

Loki did not have an eternity. He would eventually die, just like Frigga, and just like Odin eventually would. As would Thor, and the warriors three. Everyone in Asgard would eventually die. But Seline was different. She couldn't die, no matter how much she wanted to. She would always wake up again, always wake up to the hell that she considered to be her world.

Perhaps he was the one who could show her the beauty in her own world. After all, she was the one that helped him find it in his in the first place.  

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