XLI - Venomous

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Jordan's having a bad day and I thought this might help him feel better. :) I kinda rushed through it so sorry for any spelling errors.



Chapter Fourty-One

"I don't think I should leave the cell yet," Seline said, cutting through the silence. "They may believe I am hostile."

"Fury doesn't think that," Loki told her.

She just shook her head. "I'll just stay here. I'm fine, don't worry."

"How can I not be worried about your well-being?" he asked.

She didn't answer his question.

"You need to leave, Loki," she said. "It's fine. I'll be alright."

He stayed quiet for a moment, observing her. He saw the look hidden in her eyes, and the way her fingers twitched a little when she looked to the door.

"You're afraid of leaving," he stated. "You're afraid because you think you'll harm someone again."

"Again," she whispered. "You're right. It just happens again and again."

She didn't look at him, and only stared at the for, then looked through the glass as well.

"Seline, you are not made to hurt people. If you would just leave, you would see-"

"I'm staying," she suddenly hissed, her irritation showing.

He stayed quiet for a second, then nodded. "Alright."

She would change her mind eventually. Until then, he would wait. It was not right to push her into something she did not want.

When she finally turned to look back at him, he was already gone. And until then, she was alone with only her thoughts, the silence causing her ears to ring.

That is, until the screams started.


Jordan watched on the screen silently, then sighed a little when he saw Loki finally leave. Steve and Thor had been watching too for a little while, but they left when Loki had showed up. They all wanted to keep an eye on her.

Jordan didn't know a lot about Steve, other than the fact that he had a strangely kind heart. He cared for people around him in a way that others did not. It seemed that as long as Seline helped people, he would always like her.

Thor seemed to like Seline. It appeared that they had spoken many times in Asgard, and he saw that she had barely any fear, and he admired that. He also admired the way that his brother seemed to change around her. How he seemed to care for her more than himself, which had not happened in a long while.

Jordan closed the screen, swiping it to the side of the glass and standing up.

It was rather boring there without Seline, but then again, they would be landing in New York in only a few minutes. He could hear the crew all shouting out orders and codes to make sure everyone was prepared.

He wasn't entirely sure how he felt about going back to that city. It only reminded him of Megan. But maybe he needed to be reminded. Maybe he needed to be reminded. He was afraid that some day, he would forget her face. How she looked, how she acted, how her voice sounded. Perhaps he would forget someday. He didn't want that day to come.

Thinking about what Seline had done for him, and for Megan... He wasn't entirely sure how he felt about it. He was happy that the wolves who had murdered his wife were gone, but what about Seline? How did she truly feel? And of course, there was the fact that his best friend could have easily died.

The bite of a werewolf was lethal to a vampire. It would kill them within weeks, maybe even days. The average vampire would have about 5 days, but then again, Seline certainly wasn't an average vampire.

But Jordan was.

He left the room, and moved throughout the halls while the helicarrier removed the shield that allowed it to hide, and sank to the ground. It wasn't until he heard the screams of pain that he realized exactly what was happening.

He ran throughout the hallways to the main control room, where he was met with the sight of four dead bodies and a countless number of others either firing bullets at werewolves or running out of the room.

The wolves had taken over that part of the SHIELD headquarters, and were killing as many agents as they could. A few of them had even changed into their wolf forms, and when he saw one giant white wolf sticking out from them all and attacking all of the other wolves, he knew it was Jacob. That man was usually calm and collected, but the moment that he saw one of his own kind attacking innocent people, he became vicious. He would always protect those that he cared about, and Jordan one that the only thing going through that man's mind was the fact that his two best friends were on a helicarrier under attack.

A werewolf darted at Jordan, and his eyes widened before he jumped to the side and allowed the creature to dive right beside him, grabbing at nothing.

Werewolves tended to be rather large, even in human form. In wolf form, they were a little less than twice the size of an average Grey Wolf. In human form, a lot of the men looked like they were six and a half feet tall, and had the muscles of a body builder, while the women tended to be smaller and, to be honest, a little more dangerous than the men. They were able to move in ways that the males could not, and were faster than them too.

Jordan had to be careful here. Seline wasn't like him, she was strong and she paid attention. He was impulsive and didn't think about things before he acted. He ignored consequences completely.

He could feel the anger and rage surging in his blood and making his heart race, and a few of the wolves looked at him like they could feel it too. These were the people that had murdered his wife, and they dared to try and harm even more innocents than they already had?

The wolves didn't seem to be afraid of his anger, but they would be.

One of them came at his right, and his hand wrapped around the wolf's throat. He twisted his fist, and took pleasure when the man's throat snapped and the fear in his eyes died out like the flame of a candle.The same thing happened over and over, and so many of them in both wolf and human form died by his hand that he could not count them all.

Before he could experience remorse for his actions, and see the dead bodies at his feet while Jacob looked at him with an odd mixture of horror and relief, he felt a hand grip his forearm. And not long afterwards, he felt a set of teeth sink deep into his skin. The venom infected his blood and shot through his bloodstream, and to him, it felt like liquid fire moving inside of him.

For a few moments, his ear-piercing screams were the only things heard on the helicarrier. Even the wolves froze and stopped fighting, none of them seeming to realize what had happened except for the very man that had done this to him.

And the moment Seline heard it, her heart seemed to both shatter and stop once the gravity of what had happened truly hit her. And so did her self control.

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