L - Terrible Things & Wonderful People

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This chapter was so damn fun to write

Also it's unedited because it's 12:34am and I just don't have the effort for that sooooooo




Chapter Fifty

Jacob, Tony, and Loki had finally convinced Seline that everything was fine, and that she could go back to sleep if she really wanted to. Jordan was no where to be found at that moment, and Tony decided to go look for him.

Jordan was, of course, the one that had saved him. When the paramedics got him to the hospital, Jordan got his hands on a needle and inserted a syringe of his blood into the IV connected to Tony's arm. It only took a few moments before Tony was almost completely healed. Jordan then compelled the nurses, doctors, and other patients that had seen Tony. Jacob somehow used his connections to convince the media not to talk about what they had seen. That, or Jordan compelled yet another group of people. Jordan had had quite the few days.

Tony hadn't even thanked him yet.

He asked Friday if Jordan was in the building, and he apparently was. He was on the floor that was mostly just a giant living room with a bar. Tony had basically told everyone that they were welcome to pretty much anything they wanted in the building, and Jordan was acquainting himself with a lovely bottle of Scotch. Tony headed to that floor, and when he finally did get there, he was met with the sight of Jordan looking out from the balcony. He had his left hand in his jeans pocket, while his right loosely held a glass. It didn't take a genius to tell that Jordan was lost in thought.

"Jordan," Tony called out.

Jordan turned around, an eyebrow raised. "Yeah?"

"I, uh... I never thanked you for everything."

"You don't have to, man. It's fine," he said, smiling a little.

Tony nodded, and Jordan looked back out at the city.

"Hey, are you all right?" Tony asked, coming up to him. "You're not looking so good, you know."

Jordan sighed a little, shaking his head. "Nah, I guess not... Memories aren't doing me any favours, not lately."

Tony didn't say anything.

"Just ask. I know you're dying to," Jordan smirked.

"What are you remembering?"

"Your father."

Tony's eyes widened a little, and he looked to Jordan with uncertainty. "You know about my father?"

"Ah, I can do you one better. I didn't just know about him, I was friends with him."

Tony was in shock. He couldn't quite believe it. "Was that what you meant when we were on the helicarrier? When you were talking about what Seline did all those years ago?"

He nodded. "Yeah. She saved your father's life at one point."


"About a year before you were born. The late 60s, I think," he said, shrugging his shoulders a little before taking a drink.

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