Battle Of The Exes

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The boys must have gotten home sometime during the night.

When I got up the next morning, I found Oliver and Abel at the kitchen table, a brunette hanging off of Abel's arm.

"Liv." Oliver said my name through his yawn, squeezing my shoulder as he walked by and into the kitchen to get another cup of coffee.

"Where the hell were you two last night?" I snapped, wiping the smiles off of Abel and the brunette's face. My brother was the one to respond as I stole the coffee cup from his hands and took a sip.

"We were out." Oliver sat back down at the table, gesturing toward the dark haired girl, "We ran into Abel's ex girlfriend Gina." The girl's dirty look drifted from me to my brother.

"Who is she?" She asked, disgustedly. To my surprise it was Abel who spoke up.

"This is Oli's sister Olivia. Liv, this is Gina." I tried to offer my hand, but the girl's glare made me wish that the floor would open and swallow me up.

It wasn't the first time I had gotten looks for being around my brother and Abel. It had happened so often in the last six years that I had learned to try and avoid eye contact with them as much as possible.

"Sister? Oli, you never said you had a sister." Gina said, sending my brother a confused look. My brother only stared into his coffee cup, frowning.

"Oh, I guess not. Well, now you know." Is all my brother said. The silence hung in the air so heavily that I could have cut it with a knife. I was more then relieved when the door bell rang and I found Adrian and Lena standing on the front porch.

"Hey." Adrian ruffled my hair on the way in, the right side of his mouth curling up into a half smile. I wrapped my arms around myself as I stared after him, my lips starting to part. I felt someone flick me and turned to find Lena shaking her head so quickly that a strand of her black hair fell into her eye.

"Could you be any more obvious?" She asked, shaking her head. I opened my mouth to respond just as a familiar figure appeared in the door frame. The butterflies in my stomach started to fly away as he took a step into the house.

"Sean." I breathed out, suddenly feeling ready to get swallowed into the ground again, "Hey." I stared down at the ground, praying for someone to speak up. Anyone except for my ex.

What were the odds of him showing up right now? When Abel was withi his ex?

"Livia." I felt Sean's hand brush against mine, earning a small jump out of me. He leaned forward, as if everyone in the room were nothing but furniture.

"I miss you." For a second I felt as if I were still with him in the back of his truck, talking about school, my family, Abel. I felt as if he was still my Sean, the guy that had promised he wouldn't ever let anyone hurt me. I guess my mind was still trying to wrap around the fact that he had meant everyone other then himself.

"Why are you here?" Oliver said, stepping in.

"Wow, there, Oli. I just wanted to see my girl." I felt my face scrunch up in disgust.

"You miss me too, don't you?" He took a lock of my long blonde hair and twirled it around his finger. Ignoring the fact that my brother was a few feet away, ready to pounce at any second.

"Sean, bro. What's up?" Abel stepped in front of me, nudging me out of the way. I didn't know whether to be pissed or thankful, especially since he continued to push me back as he spoke.

"Not much, Abe. If you don't mind, I was kind of talking to my girl-"

"No, it's cool, Sean. But I kind of need you to back off, okay? Liv isn't your girl anymore, she won't ever be again." Abel said it so kindly, that I almost didn't hear the bitterness that was hanging off the edge of every word.

"Look, Abel. I'm trying to talk to-"

"Fuck off." Abel finally snapped, "Why don't you turn around and go while I'm still being nice." I grabbed Abel's elbow, starting to pull him back before he could throw the first punch. If there was one thing I had learned about Abel and my brother in the last six years it was that they loved to be the first one to throw a punch in a fight.

"What, do you have this prick fighting all your battles now?" Sean was looking back at me again, "Come on, Liv. It's me. It's Sean." He reached for my hand again, but Abel shoved him away before he could come within reach of it.

"Get out." He growled, "Now." My brother jumped up just as Abel raised his hand to punch Sean, gripping it tightly in his own hand.

"Sean, bro, get out. Abel, calm down before I kick your ass myself." I watched silently as Sean sent me one last look and walked out of the house, leaving Abel ready to fly out the door after him.

I stood behind him, my eyes drifting around the room in embarrassment. I had done it again, let Abel fight Sean off. Why couldn't I fight my own battles? Why did I have everyone else fight them for me?

"Thanks." I whispered, touching Abel's arm gently, "But you need to calm down, he's gone. He isn't worth spending a night in jail for." I felt the glares before I saw them. Gina was sending daggers in my direction as she stood up, her lips curled into a disgusted look.

"Abe, babe. It was nice seeing you again. Maybe we can have a little date tonight or something, but I gotta go." She pushed me away before standing on her tippy toes and shoving her tongue into Abel's mouth. He didn't seem to mind, but I heard everyone else in the room making gagging sounds, including myself.

"See you tonight." She brushed her hand against him before kissing my brother on the cheek and stalking out of the house. I leaned back against the fridge once she was gone, shutting my eyes.

"You okay?" Adrian had planted himself against the wall beside me, his eyebrow arched. I pulled the hand that was touching his away and buried my face against his chest, taking in his familiar scent as his arms circled around me.

Despite everyone else being in the room, all of their eyes on the two of us, I couldn't deny the fact that I never wanted him to let go.


"You ready to lose?" Abel asked, poking my shoulder with the tip of the paint filled water gun he was holding. I fixed the goggles over my eyes, feeling a smile tugging at my lips.

We had been gearing up for the last few hours, joking around about who was going to win. Now that we were out here in the dirt, I found myself starting to question why I had been so confident in the first place.

"Lose? Are you ready to see me win?" I responded cockily, trying to cover up how nervous I was. His eyes lit up at the competitive tone in my voice, something neither of us had heard in years.

"You sure about that, babe? Do you remember how much of a beast I used to be during our water gun fights?" He leaned forward, his smirk stretching even wider across his face.

"And do you know what you did every time I beat you?" He asked. I shook my head, lifting the water gun in my hands up and staring blankly at him.

"You used to fall down and cry," He whispered, smiling, "But then you'd get right back up and find a way to beat me. So let's see how much of that you've got left in you."


Hope you enjoyed. The next chapter will be more eventful


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