Kiss And Tell

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"You bastard! You are so dead!"

Lena was across the lawn, shooting my brother with as much paint as she could, laughing maliciously.

"You both are out!" Adrian shouted from the sidelines, peeling paint out from under his fingernails. I watched cautiously around me, waiting for Abel to appear out of wherever the hell it is that he's hiding.

"Come on, Liv! Win it for us!" Lena shouted, cupping her hands around her mouth from the other side of the dirt lot. I stepped back, my eyes scanning the lawn around me. Before I could make another move I felt the nozzle of the water gun against my back.

"You're a goner, Livvy." Abel whispered in my ear so we were the only two that could hear it.

"Please, don't." I whispered, dropping my gun to the ground, "If you do please keep away from my face and hair, they're too precious!" I covered my face, pretending to cry. I could feel him stiffen for a moment before I felt all the contents in the water gun slipping down from my hair and all over my clothes.

"Abel Hendricks!" I screeched, whirling around and slamming my hand against his chest as hard as I could, "You are so dead!" He only laughed, stepping away from me so I wouldn't get any paint on him.

"I won! We're tied now, Livvy!" He threw his hand up into the air, laughing. He let out a horrified scream when I saw everyone else grab their guns and shoot at him.

Of course I did the same.


"Tell a random stranger a secret about me?" I said, still trying my hair with the towel, "I'll pass."

Abel looked up from where he had his face buried in Jeremy's game boy, smirking.

"We have to do everything on the list, sweetheart. No backing out," He paused and stood up, "Plus, this is the furthest from the worst thing on there." I nodded, tossing the towel into the hamper across the room.

"Fine. Where are we supposed to go to tell the secret?" I asked, grabbing my brush and starting to brush my damp hair.

"I was thinking the Starbucks over on Vincent Drive. There's always people sitting alone there, we could just go to one of them." He replied, walking across the room in a couple quick strides and grabbing his keys from the hook by the mantel.

"Okay." I mumbled, "Sounds easy enough."


The drive there was fairly silent, with the exception of Abel occasionally screaming some profanity out the window when someone cut him off.

"Finally." He said after parking the car in the crowded parking lot. I climbed out of the truck, shaking my head when Abel offered me his hand.

"I'm fine." I sent him a quick smile over my shoulder, "Thanks anyways." He brushed it off as if it were no big deal. Once we were inside the building, Abel gestured toward some guy typing away at his laptop.

"You go talk to him, I'll talk to that chick sitting with her friend." He winked, as if what he said were some type of innuendo into something I didn't understand.

"Hi." I slipped into the chair across from the guy, grinning. He gave me a skeptical look before slowly hitting a key and shutting his lap top.

"Can I help you?" He asked, his dark eyebrows cocked.

"I. . . I need to talk to someone." I whispered, trying to sound upset so he wouldn't automatically push me away, "I. . . I've got a secret and I really need to talk to someone I don't know about it." He nodded slowly, his dark brown eyes narrowed.

"Are you all right? I can definitely listen to you for a while." I smiled at him, sitting up straighter.

"I. . . I'm in love with my best friend." I confessed, "I've been in love with him since we were in middle school. I'm just, afraid, you know. That it'll ruin everything between us. That if I tell him I want more then just friendship, that he'll turn his back on me." Every word that left my mouth was the truth. And saying it aloud made me feel as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

"I'm going to tell you something, Olivia you said your name was?" I nodded, "When I met my girlfriend we were five. She had just moved in next door and I went over to ask her to play Lego's with me. We were inseparable after that, our parents couldn't get us apart. But neither of us thought about taking the next step until high school." He sipped at his drink, smiling.

"It was then that we realized that we both had feelings for each other, but we had been afraid to admit it out loud. It sounds cliché, I know. But we were terrified to take the jump too, love. It was scary not knowing if we'd stay friends or not. But look at us now. We're engaged and happy. I hope you can figure everything out with your friend." He stood up, fishing his keys out of his pocket. I joined him, nodding.

"Thank you." I replied, not knowing what else to say. My mind was already starting to drift elsewhere before he even said goodbye and walked out of the cafe.

"So? How'd it go?" Abel asked, appearing next to me.

"Good, I guess." I didn't want to let him on to anything, not Abel. He would either tell Adrian about my feelings or would force me to tell him myself.

"Mine went great and," He flashed a number scribbled on a napkin in front of me, "I got her number. Guess girls love a sensitive guy." He joked. I forced a smile on to my face as he ordered a drink for us both and payed the cashier.

Should I listen to what the guy said? Should I tell Adrian and hope he has feelings for me too? But what if he rejects me and never wants to speak to me again. What if he-

"Stop thinking so much." Abel muttered, shoving a cup into my hand, "It'll only result in unwanted shitty thoughts. Let's go." I followed him out of the Starbucks without a word, sighing quietly to myself as I climbed back into his truck.

I needed to tell Adrian how I felt, as soon as possible. I couldn't let our friendship and relationship end like this, I wouldn't.


Hope you guys enjoyed!

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