To Forget A Regret

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Thank you guys for all the love and support! There's a moment in here for all of you Oliver lovers out there! Hope you enjoy!


I woke up to a sharp pain shooting through my head.

My body felt as if I had been dunked in cement then forced to try and move in it as it hardened.

"It's nice," A voice said from somewhere in the room, "To not be the one hungover." I groaned in response, rolling over and prying my eyes open. I gasped, then turned my face away in disgust when I found Oliver's foot in my face.

"Don't puke all over my jacket, Liv." Abel leaned over me so he was blocking my view of the ceiling, "That thing was like a thousand dollars." I could see from the faint purple bags under his eyes that he hadn't gotten very much sleep. As much as I hated to admit it, I'm pretty sure that it was because of me.

"Oh shit!" Abel flew over me just as I heard Oliver groan and then the sound of him puking into something beside the bed. I stared up at Abel, confused and a little surprised to find him shielding me, or probably his jacket, from my puking brother.

"Mmm." My brother groaned wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, his head rolling in our direction. He looked back and forth between Abel and me, his nose scrunching up in disgust.

"Please tell me you aren't having sex." He grumbled, "Or I might throw up again." I kicked Abel off of me, earning a laugh out of him as he swung over the bed frame and leaned over it.

"Wait." I spoke up for the first time, my voice shockingly hoarse. "When did we get back home?" I looked away from Abel and at my poster cluttered walls.

"This morning." Abel said, yawning.

"I don't. . . I don't remember coming back home." I glanced over at my brother to find the same confused look on his face.

"That's because I carried you in and was nice enough not to wake you." Oliver waved his hand in the air, smiling a little at his friend across the room.

"Oh, man. I owe you one." He said.

"I meant Liv, Oli." Abel was trying not to crack up, "Adrian and I carried you by your hands and feet in here." I started laughing at Abel's response but stopped when another sharp pain shot through my head.

"I'm gonna go get some bagels and Advil, you two just stay here like good little kids." Abel patted my head before yawning again and making his way toward my open bedroom door, shutting the door gently behind him so Jeremy wouldn't wander in and find us in here.

"You kissed Abel last night, you know." Oliver's eyes met mine, "And I had me a great night myself." He started to rub his stomach, a smile playing on his lips as he shut his eyes.

"I didn't like it." I replied automatically, "Kissing Abel, I mean." My brother's eyes fluttered for a second before they fell on me, a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"Don't lie to yourself, Olivia. It's not healthy." He nudged me with his foot like a child.

"It was the alcohol." I tried again. I saw my brother shake his head in amusement as I tried to come up with excuses.

But he was right. Why the hell was I lying to him, to myself? I had enjoyed the kiss, I had enjoyed being with Abel last night. The kiss hadn't been anything special, sure, but it had been one of the only kisses I had in the last year.

Never Have I Ever (One Last Time # 1) (Wattys2017)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora