What Happens In The Dark, Stays In The Dark

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We sat in the room for a couple hours, talking back and forth quietly until Abel stood up and gestured around us.

"Come on, guys. We're in a fucking mansion, a haunted one apparently. We can't just sit here all night and do nothing!" I saw Oliver's blue eyes light up at the idea, he must have been just as bored as Abel was.

"I'm good, man. I'm tired. You guys can go ahead." Adrian responded, laying back on the mattress opposite of us.

"Me too." Lena piped up, looking over at me.

"What about you, Liv? Oliver?" Abel looked back and forth between my brother and me, waiting for us to respond.

"Sure, bro." Oliver grabbed Abel's outstretched arm and joined him in front of the door. I held Lena's gaze for a moment, wanting nothing more then to have a few minutes alone with her to figure out what the hell was going on with the three of us. Once I finally let my eyes drift back toward Abel, I smiled weakly.

"I'll come with you guys." Oliver helped me up, nudging Abel behind him with a smirk, throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"I will be standing between you two at all times." He stated, earning a dirty look out of me and an amused one out of his best friend.

"We'll be back sometime tonight." Abel told Lena and Adrian before we stepped out of the room and into the almost stark black hallway.

"Damn, maybe this was a bad idea." Abel grumbled, turning the flashlight on his phone on so it illuminated a small spot in the hallway.

"Don't be such a bitch, Abe." Oliver mumbled, but I could feel his own body tense beside me. If I could see his face, I'm sure he'd be staring all around us with fearful wide eyes.

"Stop kicking at my legs." I snapped at Abel on the left side of me.

"I'm not." He replied, turning the light so it was in front of my feet. I gasped when I saw a light brown cat brushing against my legs, staring up at me with eyes that seemed to burn right through me.

"Scat!" Abel snarled at the cat, nudging it with his foot. It only stared up at him, clearly not phased by the teenager above him.

"Hey look, Abe. It kind of reminds me of you." Oliver joked, picking the cat up against it's will and holding it in his arms in front of the light so we could see it.

"Funny, man. Really." Abel responded sarcastically, watching in silence as Oliver dropped the cat and let it dash down the dark hall.

We continued to walk until we reached what looked like some sort of dimly lit kitchen. There were a few teenagers already in there, leaning back against a round table drinking what looked like beer.

"I thought this place was empty." Oliver said loud enough for the group of teens to hear. They all glanced toward us, smiling when they realized that we were about the same age they were.

"Oliver? Oliver Scott?" The tallest guy of the group said, pushing himself away from the table and giving my brother some kind of strange man hug.

"Damien, bro. It's been a long time." Abel and I hung back awkwardly, feeling the eyes of this Damien guy's friends linger on us.

"Ien, you probably remember Abel. And this is my twin sister Olivia. Liv this is Damien Hartlet, a friend from high school." I didn't even want to question my brother on who exactly this guy was.

My brother had a lot of friends from high school, even some that weren't even in state but lived clear across the country. How that had managed to happen, I have absolutely no idea.

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