~ Chapter 3 ~

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Sam ordered us to spread out and look around the woods for our new pack member; Jared and Paul made a bet against each other.

Paul says it Jacob, whiles Jared says it Quil. Me on the other hand think it might be Embry, the poor lad been looking bigger in the last couple of days. However the problem with that is his mum is not from this tribe; so his father had to be either an Black, Uley, Cameron, Ateara, Clearwater or a Lahote.

I would rule out Black straight away Billy is the tribe leader and has healthy offspring and he was forever faithful to Sarah Black.

Same with Quil's father and Jared's but I wouldn't put it passed mine, Paul's and Sam's father. Our father is a drunk so god knows who he picks up and Sam's father Josh left him when he was young.

The sound of Sam howling knock me out of thought..... He had found the new member. I strip my clothes off and shifted "Who is it Sam?"

"Sam Uley?" The familiar voice of Embry Call whimpered.

"Hey Embry"

"Who is that?" He questioned, I sighed and picked up my speed, heading to the place I saw in the guys mind.

I stopped at the sight of Sam looking Embry over with a tilted head, he was confused at the sudden changed of a none Quileute boy.

"Someones father must have had a one night stand" Paul snickered as he arrived with Jared, Sam turns his head and growls warning my brother to keep quite; Paul whimpered at little at the hint of Alpha tone in the growl.

"Embry" I spoke up and crouched down on my belly, telling him I wasn't a threat, we didn't need to start a fight.

"Taylor?" I moved my wolf head up and down.

"Yep" I stood up and slowly walked over to him and nudged him with my head "And that's my twin Paul" I then nodded my head in Jared direction introducing him, then finally Sam.

"So your not in a drug gang?"

"No, Embry we are not and I will explain everything once we get you back to my home" Sam explained before heading over to the bush to shift back; in the matter of seconds Sam human form appeared "Jared, Paul show him how to change back" He then looks at me with a smile "And Tay you can head back and tell Emily who has join and that we will be there soon"

I nod my head "Good luck Em" I trotted over to my brother and nudged him "Be nice" I warned him.

"Always am baby girl" I snorted at his answer, before giving Embry one last look and taking off in the direction of Emily's home.

I walked up to Emily's door and barked at the door, I had forgot to pick up my clothes. Emily opened the door with a pair of boy's clothes and mine "Here you are Tay" I nudged her leg and gave her a smile then headed back to the edge of the woods to change forms.

Once changed I walked back to the house the smell of food made me want to drool, I watched as Emily opened the oven and pull out a tray of chicken "Looking good Em" She turns to me and smiles, Emily turns her attention to the food.

"It won't be long" She promised, sticking the tray back in and turned the heat up, I planted myself at the table and sighed. I ran my hands over my face, I was a little worried about Embry; how will he deal with this? And not only that once we tell him everything, he will figure out his father is from here and that he has siblings.

"So, who was it?" Emily asked taking the sit next to me.

"Embry Call" Emily looked shocked at the news "I know, someone has another sibling" But the question is who? However that could wait for a while right now Embry needs our help with phasing.

The boys all burst through the door looking rather tense; who could blame them "Right then" Sam says pulling Emily off the seat and placing her on his lap, he places a short kiss on her head and looks over at Embry with hard eyes.

I shook my head and gave out a sigh, I stood up and reached over for Em, earning a protective growl from Paul "Shut up" I mumbled and pulled the newest member down on the seat next to me, I stared into his eyes, the poor lad looked scared "Time to explain"

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