~ Chapter 19 ~

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I woke up the next day with a huge smile on my face; today was the day I was going over to my imprints house to get to know one another.

I bounced out of bed and straight for the shower, I sighed in content as the cold water spread over my body, every since I phased I preferred cold showers then warm ones, especially with the temperature we wolves run.

I wasted no time in washing my long brown locks with coconut shampoo and conditioner, once finished I jumped out of the shower and went over to the sink and looked in the mirror. I stared at myself a lot has change within me since my first shift, for one my skin seemed to always be clean and then there is the muscle. . . . Oh lets not forget my boobs grew as well.

I shook my head and reached for my toothbrush and tooth paste, whiles brushing my teeth I let my hair fall from the towel and slowly dried it. Finishing I rushed out of my bathroom and to my wardrobe, picking out a pair of shorts and tank top along with a pair of flip flops. I looked over myself in the mirror, smiling at myself I used my hands to crunch my hair making it look curly.

"All done" I breath out, my heart raced ten to the dozen "Emmett here I come" I shut my door behind me and headed down the stair, my brother was laid out on the sofa watching some car race show.

"Hey pretty lady" He said sitting up on the spot "And where do you think your going?"

I raised my brow at him "Out"

Paul looked at me with narrowed eyes "Are you meeting a boy or something?" I nodded at his question, Paul sighed and run his hands through his hair "You can't go hooking up wi. . ."

I growled cutting him off "I'm not hooking up with anyone" I snarled at him "I'm going to spend time with my imprint" I admitted a smile worked it way upon Paul's face.

"Good to know your accepting it sis"

"Well, I don't really have a choice in the matter" I snapped out but softened up at the though of Emmett and his goofy smile "Not that I would change who it was"

"Oh man" Paul groaned, I snapped my head in his direction "Your so whipped"

"Maybe" I mumbled and headed to the door "See you later Paul" I didn't wait for an answer as I headed for the forest. The leader vampire said that Edward would meet me at the treaty since he was the mind reading one. I jumped over a log and looked around for a bush to change behind, once shifted I began my run to the treaty line.

My mind cleared all thoughts of my imprint but they did linger on what we would do and how we would get to know each other. It was the best thing I could want right now, a relationship could wait, I was in no rush. . .  I mean we are spending the rest of our lives together.

Rest of our lives. . . . That thought alone made me pause in my run; he was already dead, he would never grow old but neither would I if I kept shifting. . . . However I didn't want that, I hated been a wolf; I shook that out of my mind, now wasn't the time to think that far a head.

I just needed to focus on today. I growled at the smell of Edward as I came closer to the line, I took a deep breath; I had to control myself, I was about to enter a house covered in vampire stench "Well, you don't smell too good either Taylor" I titled my head to a side letting my tongue flop out, Edward shook his head at me "Come on" I paused a moment looking behind me before jumping over the river. Edward sprinted away, I rolled my eyes and chased after him. I had to admitted he was really fast for a vampire "Why thank you" I growled at him, stupid mind reader. I heard Edward chuckle at my comment, letting out a growl I cleared my mind and continued running after him.

I stopped at the sight of a beautiful opened house in front of me. I hardly expected a coven of vampire living in a place like this "Taylor" A blur appeared in front of me. . . It was my mate, my Emmett. I stood in shock as my imprint wrapped his arms around my neck and buried his face in my fur. My wolf purred at the contact, I rubbed up against him.

I smelt the other vampires come closer, making me pull away; I looked my imprint over to see he was free from pain before turning my attention to the other.

There were seven vampires, eight including Emmett "Welcome to the coven Taylor" The blond one stepped forward; I guess he was the leader.

"He is" Edward answered "Should we introduce ourselves or would you like to change back first" I shook my head wanting to know their names before changing "Alright"

"As you know I'm Edward" He steps forward.

A beautiful blond stepped forward and hissed at me, making me growl. The man next to her pulled her back into his arms, he gave the blond a warning look "I'm sorry about her" He shook his head then looks back at me "I'm Jason and this is my mate Rosalie" I bow my head as a hello.

"I'm the leader Carlisle and this is my mate and wife Esme" He points to a ginger haired women; who wore a warm smile and a motherly aura around her.

A short but bouncy girl stepped forward she looked at me with a wide smile "I'm Alice, it's lovely to meet you again" She move a little towards me, making me step back. Alice's smile dropped at my action, but that didn't bother me.

She was just making me feel uneasy, doesn't she have any idea how hard it is for me to keep my wolf under control "She does" Edward voiced up "She's just a little excited" I nod my head at his answer.

I look to the last one, he looked like he had been through hell, he had messy blond hair and stood like he was in the army waiting for orders "I'm Jasper" His spoke with an accent.

I bowed my head at him, then looked to my mate. Emmett was still crouched down on the floor next to me, I gave him a quick lick on the cheek, I growled and snapped my head to the blond as she scoffed. My eyes narrowed at her, I went to take a step forward but I felt my mates hands run over my fur making me shiver; all thoughts of attacking the blond went away as I purred "Go change" He whispered.

I nod and headed to the bushes to changed back, I pulled on my clothes before taking a deep breath; these were Emmett's family, I had to play nice. I took a step out of the forest, all eyes were on me. The parents looked at me with warm smiles as did Edward and Alice, whiles Jason and Jasper looked unsure and Blondie looked at me in disgusted "Hello, I'm Taylor Lahote"

A/N: Picture is Jason

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