~ Chapter 4 ~

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Embry adjusted rather well to werewolf life; in fact he was the first one out of us all to truly accept it, I knew from our pack mind that my pack brothers weren't still over the fact that we could turn into horse sized wolves; hell neither was I.

Over the last couple of weeks, me and Embry have become close friends, much to Paul's dislike. Sam saw our relationship and hounded us about staying friends and not to jump into being a couple. I just laughed at him but stopped as I saw the look on Embry's face. It was then I asked him to come for a walk and explain the whole imprinting thing and the tragic love story of Leah, Sam and Emily.

He understood the situation, he was a bit bummed that he didn't imprint on me; making me cringed. I wouldn't know what to do if a pack member imprinted on me, I wouldn't be able to stay away from them like I planned to if the event ever happened.

Also Quil phased, which made Embry happier to have his buddy back. From him we learned that Bella Swan the former leech lover was hanging around our next phased wolf. The way Quil was taking about her, she sounded pretty stubborn and Jake was in love with her.

I could see this causing a load of problems when Jake phases but I guess Sam will Alpha order him, that is if Jake denies the position.

Not only that but our best bud Jared imprinted on a rather quite and shy girl named Kim. Me and Paul, we were a bit disappointed that he fell head over heels in love with her, but he explained that he couldn't fight it. He had to be with her and talk to her, make sure she was safe.

I have to admit the girl made to be great company when I was off patrol; me, her and Emily would hang out. For someone so shy, she was really smart and ever since Jared and her got together his grades have gone up.

So when they says their studying it's the truth unlike Paul, studying means sex.

I walked down the road, towards Billy's house it was my turn to check up on Jacob. My nose crinkled at the smell of vampire mix with human, I sprinted to Billy's and barged through the door "Billy" I calmly called looking around the room, I heard the sound of Billy's chair come towards me.

I let out a shaky breath at the sight of an unharmed chief "Taylor" He looks me over confused.

"Your okay"

"Of course I'm okay" He replied looking me in the eyes.

"Thank god" I sighed running my fingers through my hair "I was sure I caught the sent of a vampire mixed with human"

"Ah" He pauses and looks out the window, I followed his gaze to see the one and only Bella Swan. She was laughing at something Jacob said "She's looking better"

"Hm" I replied looking Jacob over, he was beginning to fill out and he look taller to "She'll be going down hill soon I imagine"

"He's close then?" Billy questioned.

"I'd say in about a week" I turn to Billy "I'm glad your safe" I walk over and pull him into a hug "Give Sam a call if you think it's sooner"

Billy nods "I will" He wheels himself into his living room, I smile sadly at the poor man, first his wife dies then his oldest daughter fuck's off to Spain or whatever and gets married; Rachel is in college and his only son is becoming a werewolf.

I exit the house gaining the attention of the Bella and Jake "Hey Jake" I smile brightly and turn away from the couple and headed home.

"Who's that?" I heard leech lover asked.

"That is Taylor Lahote, she use to be nice and now" He paused a moment "Now she's just like her brother in that drug gang"

A smirk appeared on my lips, Oh you have no idea.

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