~ Chapter 5 ~

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In truth to what I said to Billy, Jake did phase within the week. The lad didn't take to kindly to the fact he could turn into a giant dog, but the thing he hated most was that his goody too shoe Bella Swan dated and knew about the Cullen's.

Sam used his Alpha tone on him to not see the girl and to not tell her our secret. Jacob wasn't happy about leaving the vampire girl, she had just began to get better; also Jake thought the girl was beginning to like him, I snorted at the thought.

Bella Swan will forever be a vampire girl. I bet she already planned to marry the idiot and then become one of them. Which is just disgusting, why would anyone give up the chance to live life and have children and grandchildren, and the chance to grow old with the one you love.

"Taylor!" My head snapped up at the sound of my name been called.

"Huh" I see the pack looking at me.

"You feeling okay sis?" Paul asked coming over to me.

"I'm fine" I mumbled then picked up my tuna salad sandwich "Just daydreaming" I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Okay" Paul didn't look convinced but dropped the conversation.

"Lets go" Sam ordered, today we were going to split up and scope the area for this red headed leech that keeps coming back, something tells me she's after something.

"We going to get Jake?" Embry asked.

Our Alpha nodded "Yeah, then spend a few hours together in the woods looking for that damn leech" He growled lowly, she was becoming a problem.

We'd chased the red headed female away from Forks just a couple days earlier, chased her all the way to Canada. However a couple of days before that my pack brothers took down leech with dreadlocks, he was in the field talking to the Swan girl. He was about to suck her dry but the pack showed themselves and ripped him apart, also scaring Bella in the process.

Harry Clearwater told us to be careful as the girl told her father and he said he would look into it.

We stood at the edge of the woods, Embry gave out a wolf call, telling Jake we were here. The Black door creek open; instead of Jake a very pissed off Bella stormed out the house and down to us. She looked us all over, I glared at the small girl.

"What did you do to him?" she demanded to Sam, as soon as she got close to us.

"What did we do? What did you do?" Paul snapped, before Sam could answer her. I don't blame him the damn girl was annoying, likes to stick her nose in everyone's business.

"He didn't want this" I growled and took a step forward to my brother.

"What did he tell you?!" Paul was getting really worked up. We Lahote didn't have the best of tempers, and with the Swan girl getting in my brothers face wasn't going to end well.

"He told me nothing. He's afraid of you." Where had she gotten an idea like that? Jake, afraid of his brothers and sister? My brothers couldn't help it, and started laughing. However, that wasn't the wisest thing to as Bella looked even more pissed of. The next few moments happened so fast, Bella raised her had and slapped Paul across the face.

I winced at the sound of impact, before letting out a dangerous growl, I stared at her with a heated glare. Like I said before, us Lahote have never had good control of our temper at the best of times, and getting slapped was going to set him off.

Sure enough, he instantly started shaking uncontrollably "Paul" I called out "Bro" he wouldn't listen his changed had gone to far, he was going to phase.

The Leech lover was going to learn our secret.

"Paul, calm down," Sam ordered, but he too wasn't having much look "Get back, Bella." She stared at Paul in fear and slowly backed away, Paul began snarling and jerking before he was replaced by his silver wolf.

I look at Bella her paled even more, I smirked at the sight of the frightened girl. The bitch shouldn't have work my brother up.

"Bella," Jacob called racing towards her, his eyes widen at the scene in front of him. I watched as Bella ran toward Jake telling him to run as well, Jake jumped over the scared girl and phased in mid air. He growled at my brother ready for a fight.

My brother and Jake began fighting, I growled when Jake locked his jaw on my brothers neck, as I went to take a step forward, I was pulled into the arms of my best friend Embry "Stay calm" He cooed in my ear making me shiver "It will be over soon"

I nod and turned my attention back to the fight, Jake and Paul ended up rolling down the hill, I cringed at the sound of a whimper "Paul!" I whispered.

"Take Bella back to Emily's place" Sam told us, he walks over to the last place my brother and Jake were, I went to follow but Jared pulled me from Embry and dragged me with him to the truck.

"Guess the wolves out of the bag," Embry joked walking over to where Bella remained sitting on the floor, he chuckled as he stared down at Bella. He held out his hand for her to take, she moved back in fear.... This girl deals with vampires and she scared of a couple of wolves. But then again Paul wasn't the best example of us.

"Come on Swan" I growled getting into the truck "We don't have all day" I sat in the passenger seat, not wanting to be close to the leech lover.

I was so angry that the girl knew about us, god knows what she would tell her Cullens if their ever returned, and worst yet with the secret out Jake going to be spending more time with her. The poor lads going to get his heart broken.

As Jared drove, I couldn't help but worry for my brother, I know he was an excellent fighter but it's my job to worry as his sister. I sighed and lead my head against the window "He'll be fine" Jared says sneaking a look at me, I gave a small smile.

I felt Bella's eyes burning the back of my head, with my best glare I turned my head around and looked at her, she flinched slightly and turned her attention else where.

Stupid leech lover, she's going to cause all sorts of problems.

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