Part 8

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My eyes burn from all the tears I've shed as they open. My entire body still feels numb. I try to move, but my attempt is unsuccessful. I glance up and see Elias still sitting by the window half asleep. I sit up a little bit. Just enough to let air back into my lungs. "Elias?"

He sits up. "Yes?"

"Have you waited here with me all night?" I ask.

"Since I brought you here, yeah," he says following a yawn.

"Did you get any sleep at all?" My voice embodying my concern.

"A little here and there. I just wanted to make sure you were alright."

I'm genuinely not sure how to respond. "Thank you, Elias. You don't know what that means to me."

I can tell he just unsure as I am of how to address this. "I'm sorry it happened to you. It shouldn't have."

I don't know what to say. "Thank you," is all I can think of. My eyes tear up. He comes over to me and wraps his arms around me. I let a cry out. I press my face into his chest and sob.

"Shh. Shh. You're gonna be ok. I promise. You're going to get through this."

It takes me a moment, but I calm down. He moves his arms from around my body and places his warm, soothing hands on my shoulders. "I have one more thing to tell you. The storm blew us off course. We're headed back towards England instead of France. There's a port there we can dock at for repairs.

"Elias, that's not wise. If we go there, the ship will be searched and someone will find and recognize me no matter what. Believe me. I know how it all works."

"That will be the perfect opportunity for the captain to get the ransom he is holding you for. But I'll keep you safe. I swear. We should be arriving there within a day or so. The ship's pretty badly damaged."

"Will I be allowed to leave the ship and go onto the land?" I hope for a "yes" from him.

"That's up to the captain. Like you said, someone could recognize you at any moment. My guess is that, if he does let you get off the ship, you will have an escort with you to keep you from being see by any of those red coats, but I doubt he'll even let you do that."

"What about the other sailors and soldiers? What's going to happen to them?"

"I don't think they will be leaving this ship for a long time."

My heart sinks. "Why not?" I ask sharply.

"Captain has a different plan for them. Wants to sell them to other ships. He knows he'll get more money from a fellow pirate than from the king or any of the king's officials that would pay. Not you though. He knows he'll get good money from your father."

"I'm sure he will," I respond.

He nods. "You'll be home soon, Christine. I promise. Even if I have to carry you there myself. I won't subject you to any more of this torture from the crew and from the captain."

"Thank you, Elias. I really needed to hear that. But, how am I going to get there?"

"Either I sneak you out of here and get you over to your father or the captain and about five other men hold pistols to your head and threaten to shoot you unless your father gives them money. I'm assuming it will be the second option. Here's the secret, though. They won't actually shoot. No matter what. They're instructed not to shoot because if they do, then everything is lost. You and any chance of money they could get is gone. They will not kill you. I swear."

"Thank you for briefing me on this, Elias. But,  what if for some reason that changes and they are instructed to shoot?"

"You won't be. It won't happen. The captain is truly not a bad man. He doesn't kill people just for the he'll of it. I'll be by your side the whole time." He leans down and presents me with a small kiss on my forehead. "I have to go help the captain. I'll come back in a bit to make sure you're alright. Don't be afraid to call for me if you need me though." With that, he walks out of the room.

I take a moment to process what just happened. I'm going to have guns pointed to my head and having men threatening to kill me, but they won't actually do so no matter what.

But there's a more pressing issue on my mind. I think I'm falling in love. In love with a pirate.

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