Part 15

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I wake up in a room I have never seen before. My eyes burn as they flutter open. I prop myself up on the bed and look past the canopy draped over the posts. James is lying on the carpet fast asleep. I haven't the slightest idea as to where I am, but if James is here, I'm safe. "James?" I whisper. Nothing. I repeat myself. Nothing.

With that, I quietly step out of the bed and walk out of the room, closing the door as silently as I can. I look around. The entire home is dark, so it must be late. I look over at the clock in the corner. The hands indicate that is is almost dawn. I look around to find the front door. I walk toward it on the tips of my toes so I do not to make a sound. I slowly open the front door to reveal the slightest sliver of sunlight peering at me. I shut the door silently. I look around at where I am. James took me back to his home. I begin to run through town with no shoes on. The cobblestone streets pinch my feet, but I don't care. I have so many questions. I need answers.

I run past my home. The place where my father laid dead just a few short hours ago. Oh how I wish it was a dream. I halt for a moment, but I realize I don't have time to stop. James is going to wake up sooner or later and find out where I am.

I make my way back to the prison for the third time tonight. The same guard is sitting at the desk fast asleep. This time, I don't even bother to wake him. I march down the stairs and make my way to Elias's cell. He perks up at the sight of me and scurries to the door, his forehead still bloody. "Christine-"

"Please. I have to be brief." I sigh as I kneel down to him. "Did you know about any plot to murder my father?"

"Of course not." His voice is dangerously soothing to my tired ears.

"I'm going to get you out of here. Chances are, you're going to be convicted of piracy. You've sailed under the pirate flag. You wear a pirate brand. The usual punishment for that is hanging. However, I may be able to get you a lighter sentence because you saved my life. If I do though, you have to leave. A-and you wouldn't be able to come back." I choke up.

"Christine, I still love you," He says as he moves closer to me. I feel his cold hand touch my cheek.

I put my hand up against his and close my eyes. "You can't."

"Christine, I-"

I cut him off. "I'm sorry. I wish the circumstances were different. I wish they were better for us, but we have to make do with what we have been given. I'm not going to let them kill you. James and I will-"


"Yes. Before I met you, I was promised to James as his wife."

"You're married?" He asks.

"No, no. Engaged. But I can call it off at any point if I need to."

"Why are you helping me?" He asks.

"Because I love you, Elias. I love you," I admit hesitantly. I lean my head in toward him. "Elias-" I cut off. He reaches through the bars and puts his hand on my neck. I place my hand on his forearm. "It's going to be fine."

We are interrupted by the sounds of a door slamming and shoes running down the stairs.

"You've got to trust me," Elias demands.

"What?" I ask, but he doesn't have enough time to respond. He moves his hand to my hair and begins to pull. I scream. I know what he's doing, though. He trying to make me look innocent so I don't get in trouble, but it will only get him deeper in hot water.

"Get away from her!" I hear a voice cry out. It's James. He rushes over to our scene and pushes Elias away with one kick of his boot. James helps me to my feet. He wraps his arms around me, one around my shoulders, one on my head pulling me close to his chest. Elias lays on the ground, nearly writhing in pain. I can't take my eyes off of him. James proceeds to escort me upstairs. My breathing finally slows down. We stumble outside the jail and James holds me by the shoulders and scolds, "What were you thinking? I know you want answers about your father but this is not how you get them. I tried to keep you safe. I brought you to my home because I wanted to be certain you were alright. I laid you down to sleep and I wake up to you gone." He sighs and loosens his grip. "I just want to keep you safe. When I heard you were taken by pirates, I vowed to protect you at all costs if you came back to me. Now that you don't have your father to do that anymore, I feel it is my responsibility to keep you safe and healthy and-" He stops. "Christine, I think we should get married. I really do. I think it would be best for both of us."

I nod. "When?"

"The sooner the better. It'll give everyone some distraction from the events of the last couple days. Ourselves included," he adds. "In two days. We'll go to the church and promise to love and honor each other for as long as we live."

I can't do anything but nod. I'm still desperately in love with Elias. "Alright."

"I love you, Christine." He pauses. "I'll arrange for a seamstress to come to my home today to fit you for your gown." I nod again. "Let's go home." He wraps his arms around and leads me back to his home.

I'm getting married in two days, but I'm in love with another man.

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