Part 20

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"Give us the girl and the commodore and no harm will come to any of you," one of the navy admirals calls out. I can't see who is speaking as I am forcibly facing the opposite direction. I look longingly at Elias just wanting to help him somehow.

"Have it yer way," the captain bellows. He takes his pistol out of his belt and shoots across the gap between the ships. After that, fire rings out in a deafening instant. I'm still being held tight by the same pirate. I realize he's basically using me as a shield. I try to wiggle out as I am dragged along with him while he turns and shoots aimlessly. McFadden is still standing beside Elias' unconscious body. The British navy begins to board our ship by swinging on rigging and landing on the deck. Many are picked off the moment they begin to come across.

The pirate holding me loosens his grip ever so slightly. I see this as my one opportunity and I run with it. I break free of his grip and run immediately to the first navy man I see. He immediately sees me coming and opens up his arms for me. I can see his face go into complete shock when I say "give me your pistol... please." He complies and hands it to me.

I dodge fire from both sides as I run toward Elias. Once I seem to be in the clear, I look up and Captain McFadden standing in my way. My anger floods over me and I stand up straight. I aim and shoot the gun right at him. I manage to his his right side. He falls to the ground in disbelief. His mouth hangs open as he clutched his side. I cup my hand over my mouth as I drop the gun to the ground. What have I done? Many pirates and sailors alike stop their firing and stare. The captain's eyes go dark and his body goes limp. He's dead. I killed him.

The men that stopped fighting resume once again as I kneel down over Elias. His eyes are closed. I gently pat his face a few times to get him to wake up. "Elias. Elias wake up!" He's unresponsive. I feel tears welding in my eyes. "Elias!" I scream a few more times. I decided to try to get him over to the other ship even if it kills me. I grab him from under his arms and flip him over so his heels are dragging on the ground. I pull with all my might until a kind navy man comes up to me and offers to take him. I nod in response as tears steam down my cheeks. I watch helplessly as the navy man drapes Elias over his shoulders.

"Come on!" He yells at me. I comply and run over to the planks joining the ships together. I dart across as if running for my life. I'm surprised no one seemed to care that I shot McFadden. I think the pirates were simply too preoccupied.

As soon as we reach the deck of the ship, the sailor takes Elias below deck and I follow shortly after. He lays him down gently on one of the cots set up. He still hasn't opened his eyes. I stroke his hair and pray he wakes up.

About five minutes pass before he begins to move slightly and his breathing becomes deeper. "Elias?" I say with excitement. His eyes flutter open.


"Yes. Yes it's me. You're safe," I assure him. He starts to fade again. "Elias stay with me!" I practically scream. "Please. Please you can't die!" I begin to sob. I kneel down at his side and hold his face in my hands. He is still breathing, but it's shallow to say the least. "Wake up Elias!" I yell unintelligibly. "Elias!" I have no idea what to do.

"I'm fine, Christine," he assures me, but his voice sounds weak.

"I don't think you are, Elias."

"Christine-" he barely is able to make a sound. "I love you. I wish we met under better circumstances." We both share a laugh. "But if this is it-"

I cut him off. "I love you too Elias." We kiss passionately. I feel tears streaming down my cheeks. After a few moments, he goes limp. "Elias..." I begin to panic. I lay my head on his blood soaked back. He's not breathing. I rip my head, which is now covered in blood, away from where it laid. I cry out in agony. He's dead. I kneel beside him and close his eyes.

Suddenly, I hear footsteps coming down the stairs as the gunshots seem to cease. It's James. I look into his eyes, mine still pouring out tears. He rushes over to me as if he knows what's happened. He kneels right beside me and tucks my head next to his chest. "It's over. We're going home," he tries to comfort me. But it's no use.

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