Part 10

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I peer out the window and watch the sun disappear into the water. My limbs seem made of lead. My eyelids as well. My entire body feels heavy, but I keep myself awake in case we dock in England tonight. I pray we do. I watch the small ripples in the water. The sea is calm. The waves are small, but steady. They stay a consistent size.

Out of no where, the ship jolts and stops moving. I wonder what is happening, but I realize that they've just dropped anchor. That must mean we're close to England. Close to shore. Close to people that could get me out of here, yet I almost don't want to be saved.

I hear a key inserted in my door and I hear it turn to open it. Captain McFadden barges through the doorway. He stays silent, as if wanting me to ask a question. I comply. "Where are we?"

"You'll find out. You are not to leave this room under any circumstances or ye will be shot and killed, ye understand?"

My heart sinks. "Yes, Captain."

"Good." He replies. "We'll come for ye in the mornin' and ye'll follow our every order, 'less ye want a bullet in that pretty little head of yours."

"What's going to happen, Captain?"

"That's for ye to find out tomorrow, missy." He laughs as the shuts the door.

I already feel morning approaching, even though it is barely night. My mind rattles with anxiety, anticipation, and all possibilities running through my head. I'm frightened to say the least.

I hear a crowd of footsteps running out onto the deck. I assume it's the pirate crew. I overhear their laughter and conversations. The sound of their footsteps trails away. I make the assumption that they are going into town to both scope out the area as well as pay a visit to the local brothel. Wishing I could go out and see the moon, I wait on the floor of my chamber awaiting the morning I so dread. I want to know what is going to happen in the morning but only time will tell.

I hear a key turning in my door. It swings open and Elias struts into the room. He makes eye contact with me before saying "Come out here!"

"Elias, I can't. I've been told to stay in here under any and all circumstances. I rather value my life," I scold.

"You'll be fine. If anything happens, I'll take the blame." I stare at him suspiciously.

He winks, to which I reply: "Alright fine," but i know I'm probably going to regret this. He reaches one hand out to me while still holding onto the doorknob with the other. I grab it, and as our hands meet, we both smile. He pulls my arm and leads me outside. The ship is illuminated by the soft, white glow of the full moon and sky of stars. He slows down once we're at the middle of the deck. He turns and faces me. He grabs my other hand with his. I look down at them and my smile drops. He looks toward my eyes, but I am looking down. I abruptly look up and my eyes meet his. Before I can wrap my mind around what's about to happen, he leans in and our lips meet. His hands move from mine to wrap around my blushing cheeks. I place mine gently on his waist. We share this wonderful moment for a few seconds. We both pull away at the same moment. He bends down and our foreheads stay locked. We smile and laugh, though his sounds more nervous than mine. He grabs my hands and clasps them in both of his together. He places them on his chest, where I can feel his rapid heartbeat. We turn our heads to look up at the sky overhead. The stars twinkle and shine above us.

Our moment of joy is interrupted by the sound of a door creaking open. I let go of his hands but grab one of them again and yank him into my room. He shuts the door as quietly, yet quickly, as he can. I latch the door shut. I peek out of the stained glass door and spot a figure making its way toward my chamber. "Crawl under the bed," I command. Elias complies and does his best to squeeze below the wooden frame. I leap onto the mattress and face my back to the door. I curl my legs into my chest and lay my red cheeks onto the pillow. I hear the key turn in the door to unlock it. Once I hear the door squeak open, I turn over onto my back and face my head to the door. I fain waking up from a deep sleep.

"Did you leave this room?" The angry captain bellows.

"No, sir," I say while rubbing my eyes.

"Don't you dare lie to me," he scolds as he puts his hand on his gun as if to threaten me.

"Captain," I begin, "I swear to you I never left this room."

He sighs. "As you were." He turns around and struts out of th room.

I hear the door lock and then Elias comes out from under the bed. He sits up on his knees and I lean over the bed to look down at him. We both smile as we gaze at each other. We lock our lips together one more wonderful time. We both chuckle as we pull away. He stands up as we press our lips together once more. He climbs upon the bed with me and lies down next to me. "We should rest," He suggest.

"You're right. But you are trapped in here, seeing as McFadden locked the door," I remind him.

" I think we can survive one night with one another," He teases. We indulge in one more quick kiss before I lay my head next to his chest for the night.

"Good night, Christine. I love you."

"I love you too," I respond before we shut our eyes for a night of rest.

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