You were warned

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I hadn't known what was happening. One second I was walking home from school one day when a white van screeched to a halt next to me. They grabbed me, put a needle in my neck, and I was out.

Now, I've awoken in a 8×8 room with 4 other people. We all have one arm attached to a wall with a 2 foot chain. Two hefty LED lights are inside the ceiling. Two TV's are mounted high on the wall.

I was the first to wake, and take a note of each of the people. One is a middle aged man in a black suit. The one farthest from me is a much older woman in her church attire. Lastly, there is a young boy, 13 maybe, in torn jeans and a hand t- shirt.

I'm absorbed in my thoughts, shivering in the chilled air.
After 20 minutes or so, the old woman wakes screaming,"Where in God's name are we?"

I calm her down, though I'm as frantic inside as her. "I don't know, but nobody is hurt... yet. Let's just wait for the others."

She nods, "O- Ok. But how do I know you aren't lying?" I frown,"I'm chained and got taken by a white van, what could I have done?"

She nods, still skeptical and leans against the cement wall, cuddling in her own warmth like me. Within fifteen minutes or so, we go through the same ordeal with the guys waking up.

I 13 year old tried acting cool at first, but after a while he started silently crying.

Finally, the TV's turn on. A man is wearing a clown mask. "Hello, participants. You dont know me, you don't know each other, but you're going to play my game."

We glance around, sharing terrified expressions. "Now, here's how it goes. Each day, you will each get one plate of food and one small cup of water. Enough to keep you alive, not enough to keep you alive very long,"

The borders of small doors in the walls glow blue. One next to each of us. "You will be in this room until one of you is left. Then you will be treated to a feast beyond belief. You will be released, but we will be watching."

The TV shuts off. The old woman starts hyperventilating and clutching her chest. Nobody is close enough to help.

We watch in horror as she has a heart attack and dies right in front of our eyes. I am crying without knowing.

The older man speaks up,"Its smarter to just wait it out. If one of us attacks both the others are going to get that person. I say we wait till we die of natural causes."

The boy and I agree.
I crossed my fingers.

The small door opens, pushing our first meals out. A small bowl of baked mac and cheese, an apple, and a cup of water.

We eat in silence, and the guys seem to get tired. We don't talk, I just wait for them to fall asleep.

I grab the knife from my plate, cover each mouth and slit their throats.

Gory, I know, but I have too much to love for. They aren't completely dead, they need to bleed more. I decide on taking a nap to rid my mind of the awful deed starting to eat me inside.


I wake by the TV turning on again. "Hello! Congratulations on living, and surviving the first round!"

First round? My chain unlocks, and a wall lifts. In front of me is four blood covered people, doomed to the same fate as me.

"Welcome to round 2"

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