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"This is where you live?" I asked shocked.

"This is where we live." He answered as we drove into the drop off lane. The door opened for me and a smart suited man took my hand and helped me out.

"Um....thanks." I said unsure of how to act. I stood in the icy cold night as I waited for Heath to step out the car, along with Cal. The posh men took my bags out the boot. I huffed as I waited for Heath to say goodbye to Cal. Then the men lead us into the big building.

"Sir, congratulations on the wedding." One of the men with blond slick hair said as we walked to the elevator.

"Thank you Jack." He replied smiling at me, and taking my hand.

"Will you be having dinner tonight?" Jack asked smiling at me then back to Heath.

"I think that won't be necessary, we already ate, but breakfast for tomorrow maybe, Eve?" he asked as we stepped into the elevator.

"What, oh yea sure?" I replied, I was so tired I didn't hear totally.

Heath chuckled, "haha okay, thanks Jack."

"That will be at your room 11am tomorrow." Jack replied amused.

When the doors opened we were on level 20 the highest one. They led us along the wide corridor, to room 300.

I couldn't believe Heath had live here all on his own, it was too big to live in on your own, but he had!

The men opened the door and let me in first. I gasped covering my mouth so the guys didn't see my hanging jaw.

On the other side of the door was the most beautiful place I had ever seen. It had a window covering a whole wall, giving an amazing view of the area, also the walls were white and made me happier. There were three sofas and the kitchen was modern and big.

"It's beautiful." I gasped as the men put my bags down and started asking if we wanted anything.

"Eve, did you want a drink that isn't a hot drink?" Heath asked me I whirled round with a smile.

"No thanks I'm fine." I told Jack.

"Okay, enjoy yourself. Sir, mrs." They said together before leaving and closing the door quietly.

"So, do you like it?" Heath asked walking up beside me.

"It's so......not me, I don't feel like it fit in, it's amazing where as I am not." I frowned bowing my head.

"That's not true Eve." He replied.

"Your just saying that, you don't mean it Heath." I said, I believed what I said, but his reply shocked me.

"That's not true Eve, you are amazing, you deserve this. This home, and the education you will get." He told me a serious look on his face.

"Heath, I need the truth, why are you marrying me?" I asked looking up into his eyes.

This stalled him, "I love you Eve."

"That's not true, tell me!" I said starting to get angry.

"It's true, when I first saw you, I fell in love." He said, I didn't know whether to believe him or not.

"......why was you so desperate to marry me..?" I asked folding my arms.

"I didn't wanna loose you, why all the questions?" He huffed.

"I'm just trying to work you out.." I replied staring into his blue eyes once more.

"Well save that for later, let me show you where your luggage is going." He clapped taking my hand and pulling me and my bags into a big bedroom, the bed was three times the size of my old one, and had a white veil draped over it. Mirrors and picture frames were neatly placed on the walls, and double doors were on the back wall.

"That's our wardrobe." Heath said pulling me over to the double doors. Then he opened them and I nearly fainted. It was a walk in wardrobe, with a big mirror at the end along with a small chair to sit in.

"Your side is here." Heath placed my bags on the right side.

"But there is already lots of clothes here.." I told him confused.

"Yea I bought some clothes for you as a moving in present." He replied with a dazzling smile.

"Oh....okay.....thank you Heath." I said looking through them.

I smiled to myself. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.


I couldn't stop looking at her beauty as she looked through the new clothes, her strapless dress hung low on her chest, I watched her chest rise and fall from breathing. Her face was a glow and her emerald green eyes made my heart flutter.

I was changing, me, Heath had never fallen in love before, but was I melting. What was this girl doing to me. But somehow I felt like my heart was warming, warming to her.

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