Chapter 2- The First Night

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Text message to all Alter Egos:

Tonight's Target : Rowan Kinsella

Kill Him


Shadow's POV:

I received the text message. I looked at the name and the picture. My hands curl up into fists and a smile appears on my face. A very evil smile. Finally, I get my revenge. The person that I have wanted to kill for two years and finally I can have that chance. I begin my rush to the address to make sure that I am the one to get him. My red eyes glow with anger. Hands ready to fight. It's time.

Ghost's POV:

My phone vibrates. A text from an unknown number I open it to find a target. It states that they are to be killed. I look at the name and picture and recognise him. It's a boy from school. No one really liked him. I started walking to the address ready to take my first kill. I am an assassin. Time to act like one. I started running through the streets and jumping over walls to try and reach that target.

The White Wolf's POV:

I got a text message with a target. A kid from school eh? I wonder why they want to... Kill him? Well it's an assignment. I start running through the streets taking the shortest possible route. I feel good. Pace good. Stamina, got tons of the stuff, time to do what a wolf does best, hunt and kill.

Neko Thief's POV:

My phone goes off. Who would want me at this time. It's from someone I don't know. I have to kill Rowan Kinsella. At the bottom of the text was the AE symbol. I wonder. Anyway. I steal someone's car and begin to drive it towards the destination of my first job. Hey why not steal a car. It's quicker and easier than running!

Chara's POV:

I looked at my phone to find a message I open it up and see a to kill sign. WHAT! KILL?! ROWAN?! KILL?!! I couldn't quite believe nor grasp the idea of killing someone. But I then walked towards the destination that was given. I start to smile. I wonder what way I should kill him. How psychopathic should it be. I smile as I think about it whilst walking.

Blizzard's POV:

The now normal nightly text. My third in three days. But the name I see brings back a memory. It's not very clear but... I see my cousin... I see Jordan... I see him in pain, deep pain with anger. The memory fades with a red colour like blood. Rowan knows something, Jordan knows something. Something I don't. But for now I must focus on killing him. I march down the street looking at the address and I take as short a route as possible. I must be there and kill him!

Shadow's POV:

I race thought the streets leaping from rooftop to rooftop. Silent as a shadow. Dark as a shadow. There were a few people on the streets but they didn't notice me. I look at my map. About a mile to go now. This is the first kill in 16 years that I have looked forward to. 10 minutes later and I was there. The place where Rowan Kinsella will die. I scout the house looking for entrances and ways to kill him. I notice a window in his house slightly open. I manage to lever it open further. I hop inside his house. I look around, I can hear his voice, ugh... How I hated his voice. I walk into his room giving not a damn if he sees me. It would be a nice reminder for him. A reminder of who he messed with. He jumped up very startled.

"You, shouldn't be hear. You shouldn't even be on the face of this earth!" He shouted in fear.

"Oh aye I forgot I should be dead! But guess what! I'm here. What do you think I am here for?" I sarcastically asked.

"I think.." Rowan started but I abruptly interrupted.

"It doesn't matter what you think. Because in a minute, no one will hear your words or thoughts."

I walk over to him and punch him square in the jaw with a right uppercut then a left and a right again.

"You murderous foul, my parents done nothing to you. You couldn't help what you saw that night and you had to kill them. Whilst I was watching. Whilst my cousin was watching! You had no reason to murder! I shout with my voice getting deeper and deeper like a demonic force is taking over my eyes look like they are on fire and I keep throwing punches at this boy. I make sure he feels each punch before he eats the next one. I'm dragging this out. I have two years worth of anger to lash out. More punches follow with a kick to the mid section and his lady parts. He doesn't have the balls to stand up to someone that didn't work in his plan. He didn't kill me that night but he was going to. If it wasn't for my cousin I wouldn't be here. I notice how long I have been beating him up. It's time to end this before any others get here and spot me. I open my hidden blades and stab him straight in his heart and I whisper to him.

"This is what you deserve you murderous, foul, wretched being. I hope you burn in the depths of hell!"

I then retract my blade and then use my sword and gun together. A shot to the head and another stab to his chest and he is finished. Luckily I have no blood on me so I leave via the window and close it behind me. I fast walk away and I check behind me and no one saw me. My revenge has been taken and it was sweet! To avenge my parents death and the pain I have suffered I can only enjoy his death.

Ghost's POV:

I got to the house. Peer into the window. Something was wrong. It was ultimately to quiet for something good to have happened. I can't get in either. Everything is locked or shut and I cant get a grip to open it. I must hurry before someone sees me. I climb the house to find a window with curtains open. I peered through and what I saw was horrifying. This kid had been brutally murdered. Definitely not the work of an assassin. Can it?! I rethink. Everything is closed and the only thing left is a curtain open. The fact that there is no sign of breaking and entering must mean it was planned and like an assassin. I look back at Rowan. You kinda deserve it. I leave quickly and return home.

Blizzards POV:

I got to the house and what I saw through the window, was brutality of the highest order. Another flashback came to my head. He was there. Rowan... He was there... Jordan in pain... And he was there. Something tells me whoever killed him had a debt to settle and a revenge to take. But Jordan would never take revenge on anyone. Even if they had done something wrong. He would usually give them a stern talking to. I've not seen him do anything violent. I need to get away before anyone sees me here. I take one looks back at the body. What a bloody murder.

The White Wolf's POV:

I got to the address given to me. I look around for ways to get in. I see potential in the windows but can't hear anything inside. Even though my senses had sharpened I still couldn't hear though the windows very well. I took a peek inside... I start breathing heavily and in panic. He... He is already dead and the way... The way it looks like... It's horrifying. I feel kinda sick. I've gotta get outta here.

Neko Thief's POV:

I parked the car near the address and look around the house. No one is outside and quite frankly that's good news. It also doesn't look like anyone has been here either. Must mean that its my job to kill him. I manage to pick the front lock. I walk in. Move upstairs. Must be in the bedroom. I open the door to find the room a mess and desks and other structures are destroyed then I see a body. It's covered in blood the carpet stained. A bullet wound to the head. Several bruises and probably broken bones. Two stab wounds in his chest. Whoever done this was good and can dish out punishment. Talk about being victimised. I walk out of the front door and re pick it to lock it. This is to make sure no one suspected anything. I left without word, thinking about what I saw.

Chara's POV:

I came up to the house. I immediately went to the window to see if anyone was there. And what I saw... WHAT I SAW... Was a masterpiece of chaos. What an insane murder. The brutality was psychotic and breath-taking. I can't believe I was unable to complete the murder myself though. I had this awesome plan that was insane and horrifying but might as well scrap that now. I left in a bitter disappointment about not being able to put my plan into action. I might not get another chance now and that... Well... THAT BLOODY ANNOYS ME! Oh well. Back home it

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