Chapter 17- The Final Revenge

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Shadow's POV:

I dragged myself to the Æ Headquarters. I feel unwell. But I did lie to my friends. That chemical... Well it only gives me energy. It doesn't heal me. So... I may still die. I go past the receptionist and she says nothing. I start climbing the stairs stopping at every flight to regain my breath. Then I continue to march on. Towards the infamous door. The door that said. Ms Chinnock, Head of Æ. That made me laugh. More like former head of Æ. It's locked. Again. So typically out comes my flintlock pistol and the lock blasts into a thousand pieces.

"Good Morning. I believe I have a meeting with you!" I say with great sarcasm.

"What the fuck are you doing here? You look as weak as piece of bread." Chinnock responded.

"When I say a promise. I keep my promise. Can you even remember what that promise was?" I say back to her.

"No, I can't remember." She replies.

"Ok let me refresh your memory. I stated and promised that if you had activated any more of my friends egos. I would kill you for it. And guess what bitch. I'm here. With ALL my weaponry. And you will be seeing me in YOUR death box!" I reply viciously.

"Is this what it comes down to then. A final fight with the infamous Shadow?" Chinnock questions.

"You got that damn straight you knob head!" I instantly and arrogantly reply.

I feel a buzz, I can feel some energy coming back to me. I am ready to take my final victim!


Third Person POV:

Becca, Lauren, Shanice and Jessie had managed to get out of Shadow's house.

"What the bloody hell was he talking about. A final promise?" Lauren questioned.

"I don't know. But I have a good idea of who the promise was to. I believe it was to Chinnock. There seemed to be a lot of tension and hatred between the two. I know where she is but I don't if you know what I mean!" Becca answered.

"The Æ headquarters? I vaguely know where that is." Shanice responded.

"Well lets get over there. We need to help Jordan or Shadow which ever one he is at the time!" Becca states to the group.

They all walk off following Shanice in the vague direction of the Æ Headquarters. They all walked with confidence in their step and fear on their mind of what they were going to see.


Shadow's POV:

Chinnock reveals two swords and prepare them to fight me. I grab my swords and prepare them for battle. Chinnock decides to swing first. I easily defend it and counter it by cutting Chinnock's leg.

"I told you what I was going to do. But you know what. You didn't listen. You continued to activate them. You continued to use them. And now you will pay!" I shout at Chinnock.

She attempts another attack. Again I parry and cut her other leg. Then her arms. Blood was now starting to pour out of Chinnock. She was feeling all of the pain that was given to her. She drops her sword and starts to signal a surrender motion.

"Look, I'm sorry ok. I didn't mean to cause all of this. I was doing it in the best interest of the company. To have 6 crazy good assassins in one area is really beneficial to us." Chinnock pleaded, "Please let me live. I will make it up to you and the others. Please have some mercy!"

"You know what. Normally I would. But this would be the second time that I would of had mercy on you. And this time. I will have no mercy. You will be dying tonight." I say to her in my Shadow Voice.

I grab my gun and shoot her in the stomach. Then in the legs and arms. I then reveal the hidden blade on my right arm and stick it straight in the heart of Chinnock. This caused a slow and painful death. She stopped breathing and I say,

"My final victim, my final revenge has taken place."

With that I hear people at the door. I turn around and see my friends before I fall to the floor and close my eyes.

Third Person POV:

"Oh Ffs. Not again please not again!" Becca screams.

"There is no blood on him. Well not from him anyway." Shanice stated.

"Looks like Chinnock didn't stand a chance against him. I mean look at all of the injuries." Jessie observed.

"Look. Jordan, he's waking." Lauren says with hope.

Everyone looks at Jordan to see him moving much better. Colour came back to his face. His speech was effortless.

"Wow, that was a drug fuck of an experience. Hey can someone tell me why I am here and can someone also pass me that tablet from over there please?" Jordan asked politley.

There was only one problem. Becca thought she still might have lost him. He completely blanked me. He doesn't know where we are. Has he forgotten? Already? Becca thought this to herself.

Jordan scans himself and finds his gene. It's stronger than ever before.

"Turns out a revenge is what kills you. Not the injuries. Any big revenge can heal an ego hence the reason we go batshit crazy when we receive the text of one of our enemies!" Jordan still hadn't mentioned Becca.

She turned around to shed a tear. But was then given a surprising action. Jordan wrapped his arms around her and whispered to her.

"Thank you, for all that you have done for me. Please don't be upset babe. You've saved me from a potentially fatal fate. I love you absolutely tons. You thought I had forgotten. I could never forget you. Not in a million years!"

Becca turned around and had the biggest smile on her face with tears of joy running down her face. Both then kissed. If you know what I mean. The group were abut to leave when a member of senior staff arrived.

"You know. Without Ms Chinnock around. We need a New leader. And we believe that your experience in the field and your beliefs are what is needed to run this company. Therefore, Mr Harding. Would you like to become the new boss of the Æ?" The staff member said.

"You know what. I would love to. But there will be some significant alterations made to the company." Jordan replied.


Jordan had to choose his staff. A right hand man. And his top assassins. Well we all know who his right hand women will be. Yep. Becca/Ghost was his right hand woman. The girl he loved. His top assassins. Well that was easy. Jessie/The White Wolf and Charlotte/Chara were in charge of training new recruits to kill their targets. Lauren/Neko Thief and Shanice/Blizzard were given the jobs of weapons design and development. Where as Jordan/Shadow and Becca/Ghost were in charge of training the new recruits how to control their ego and they also ran the business.

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