Chapter 8- The Repercussions

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Laurens POV:

All of our group meet up before the first bell. Jordan was seemingly very close to Becca. I don't know what has happened between them. But I do wonder. Jessie looked tired and Shanice looked much better now that her cousin was back in school. Charlotte was as nuts as usual. Me, Becca and Shanice had art first with Ms Chinnock. This meant that Jessie, Jordan and Charlotte had history.

"I wonder whether Chinnock will be in and what we are going to do for our lesson? Becca curiously asked.

"I hope she is in. I need some help with my coursework otherwise I won't get a decent grade!" Shanice worryingly stated.

"I hope we can do what we want. I am really enjoying these lessons. I hope we don't have to do any work ever again!" I confidently say.

"Why wasn't she in yesterday?" Charlotte asked confused, "She's never not in!"

"It's because she was ill. So she decided to not come into school for the whole day. And yet she is well enough to be back today!!" Jessie stated in an annoying curiosity, "Isn't the rule if we are ill we have to stay off for two days not apply to the teachers?"

"Clearly not!" Becca replied.

Jordan had stayed quiet throughout this whole topic of conversation which can't be right. He always has something sarcastic to say. But something still isn't right with him. Almost like, he is afraid of something.

Becca's POV:

Me, Lauren and Shanice arrived at our art lesson and Chinnock was already there. We went in and sat down. She looked focused and ruthless at the same time.

"Right then, you will be drawing different pictures of still life today. That includes everyone. Everyone must complete at least three and Becca, Lauren and Shanice, you must complete at least seven. And if you don't complete them then you will be staying behind and completing them at break and if needs be at lunch." Chinnock said in a very professional manner.

"Seven pictures in two hours. That's crazy. We can't do that!" I whisper to Lauren and Shanice.

"I know. What's wrong with her today?! One day she is nice the next she is horrible." Shanice replied.

"I now hate this lesson!" Lauren also whispered.

We started on the seven pictures and by the one hour mark we had done 2. If we kept this pace up we would have no break all day!

Halfway through the next lesson. Chinnock checks up on us and just smiles and laughs. Almost like this was a planned attack on her behalf. She clearly shows her tattoo now as if proud to have it on her. It still reminds me of this dream. The dream I have had for three straight days and nights. I still can't fully remember. Time ticks down. 20 minutes. 10 minutes. 0 minutes. Times up. We had managed to do 5 in the end. But this was not 7.

"Well girls. Looks like you will be staying behind for break to finish it off. You better get on with it or you will be here at lunch as well." Chinnock smiled whilst saying this almost like taking pleasure in saying it.

Jordan's POV:

It's break time and me, Jessie and Charlotte have arrived at the common room ready to meet up with the others. But something wasn't right. 5 minutes and passed and they hadn't arrived. We decided we needed to go and look for them. This was definitely unlike them.

"Where would they be if they are not here?!" I ask Jessie and Charlotte.

"I don't know. They are always with us!" Charlotte replied.

"What if they are still in art trying to finish something off. You know all three of them want a decent grade in the subject." Jessie said with confidence.

It was the best idea we had. So we decided to go up to their art room. Up the stairs then we opened the door. And lone behold there they were. They looked annoyed and the look of being bullied came across them. Then Chinnock decided to speak to us.

"Jessie, Charlotte, if you are here then you must be doing some work. And Jordan. You're not allowed in here." Chinnock sounded proud especially at that last comment.

"Yes miss." Jessie and Charlotte said in unison.

"Why can't I be here Miss?!" I say rudely towards Chinnock.

"Because you do not, a, take this subject, and b because I said so. It's my classroom! Anyway, I need to speak to you in the other classroom. Please go on there." Chinnock displayed massive confidence in this.

I left and went into the other room and she followed me in.

"Why have you kept them behind?!" I asked immediately.

"Because they haven't finished their work! 7 pieces of art work in two hours shouldn't be hard." Chinnock cooed.

"Oh really?! 7 pieces?! Why are you doing this to them?!" I demandingly ask.

"Your little incident at headquarters was over the line. So... Your little love won't be around you very much. Consider it a repercussion of your actions. This is how you will be punished. You won't be able to spend time with your precious Becca! Don't like it?! Because I don't care!" Chinnock laughed whilst saying this.

"Your quarrel is with me not them. And how dare you interfere with our normal lives. You know what. When I decided to visit you. I should have killed you. But no. The good part of me said she didn't deserve it. That everyone should have a second chance. And look at how you have used it. You sicken me. Your power abused. Intolerable. I will make you pay!" I say to her in that typical voice of Shadow. Again I left her trembling with fear before I went and got the others. We then headed for the common room and saw out the day. Chinnock was hiding something. I just don't know what it is yet but I will find out.

We got back to the common room at the end of the day and we all walked back home. Lauren and Jessie walked together and Shanice and Charlotte walked together. Usually I would go with them but I decided to walk with Becca back to her house because she usually did this walk alone.

Jessie's POV:

I spoke to Lauren on the way home and she described everything to me about Chinnock. I can only think that either she needs a mental health check up or she is covering something. No teacher becomes nice, has a day off and comes back ridiculously nasty. That's not right. I have a look at all of the deaths that have been taking place. I start to map these out but still can't figure out a pattern. Its all over the place at the moment. I just can't believe that I haven't been killed yet.

Charlotte's POV:

I walk with Shanice and get her to tell me about Chinnock. Something is up with that teacher and I want to find out what it is. I got home and start tapping in the letters AE and all I can find are maps to the nearest hospitals. Hopefully I won't be their next visitor! But I still want to research it to try and find out what is going on with her.

Jordan's POV:

I walk with Becca back to her house. I then ask if I can put a note on the inside of her front door. She says yes. But I give her the condition that she can't read it until sundown. She also says yes to this. So I leave her and say that I will see her later that night. She looked confused but laughed it off. I left and went home to try and finish my plan of attack. My attack on the evidence against Chinnock.

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