Chapter 4

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Vania POV

We walked into the skating rink. We all were awed with it. Plus with the Varsity team having their own practice wasn't helping. They were good.

"They look pretty good." Luis said pointing at the Varsity team

"They sure won a lot of championships." Julie said, looking up at flags that were hanging from the roof.

"They're not so hot." Charlie spoke, smirking.

"Come on, guys, we could skate out there." Connie told us.

We all just shrugged and walked to the entrance of the rink. When suddenly Riley and his team came up to us. Riley stops Charlie from walking in from putting his hand in Charlie's arm. "If it isn't Captain Ducky." Riley taunted

"Get your hands off him." Fulton pushes Riley's hand away.

"Ooh, look. A Bash Brother. I'm so scared." Cole said

"Break it up! Come on, men, let's go." Wilson came and pushed the Varsity team away.

We all walk into the ice. "How about it, Cowboy ? Round up ?" Charlie asked Dwayne

"Hey, Charlie, shouldn't we wait for the new coach before we mess around ?" Connie asked Charlie

"This is how we practice. Duck hockey, Connie. You'll have to get used to it sooner or later.Well, come on, Cowboy. Hit it." Charlie answer Connie

"Yee-ha ! Round 'em up, doggies !" Dwayne yells as we skate away from him.

After playing around a bit. Dwayne caught Charlie. Making Charlie fall down. Suddenly our new coach came skating in. Charlie stood up.

"My name is Coach Orion. You can call me Coach or Coach Orion." Orion said, looking around at us. I just stand next to Luis.

"Well, you can call me Charlie." Charlie replied, pulling his arm out.

"That must be what that C on your jersey stands for, huh ? It sure doesn't stand for captain." Orion pointed at the C on Charlie jersey

"Sorry, Coach. We were just messin' with you, you know'' Russ spoke up

"Hey, Bombay gave him that C.'' Goldberg spoke up.

"And I respect that, but that's the past. This is my team now, and I'll be selecting the captain." Orion reply to Goldberg

"You gotta be kidding me, right ? I mean, you're the rookie here. We all been together for four years." Charlie reply

"Okay, Charlie, laps. Right now." Orion order

"How many, Coach Orion ?" Charlie answer to Orion

"I don't recall saying. Orion replies and Charlie starts doing laps.

"Now you listen up, and you listen up good. We are here for one reason and one reason only. You know what that is ? It starts with a W.'' Orion continue

"To win, Coach Orion, sir" Averman spoke up

"No. To work ! High school hockey is very hard work. And it all begins with defense. I've seen your tapes. I know you can score goals. I just don't know if you can stop them." Orion correct him

"Hey." Goldberg scoffed but quickly added "Sorry, sir."

"You're not kids or little ducks anymore, so I'm not gonna treat you that way. You're gonna learn to play two-way hockey: offense and defense. It's gonna take one thing. It starts with a W.'' Orion continue

"To work, Coach Orion, sir," Averman replied. We all just sigh at Averman sucking up to Orion

"Wrong. Will. It's gonna take real will. If you want to play in my barn. All right. Count off. Let's climb the ladder." Orion order and skate away


After Practice

"Somebody get a shovel and bury me right here." Goldberg walked in and lay down

"I will teach you to play like what ? Starts with a W'' Charlie mocked Coach Orion

"Wussies." Russ yell back

"That's right. Wussies on offense and defense !" Charlie reply

"Defense, defense, defense" Russ started to push the metal wall.

"Eden Hall Academy requires you to maintain a ""C'' average to compete. I believe that's a bad rule. I don't want any "C'' players on my team. I want B's or better or you're gonna be riding the pine pony. Now you got 15 minutes after each practice to clear this locker room. You got homework to do. Oh, one more thing. Stay clear of the varsity until we play'em in the J.V.-Varsity Showdown. You got that ?" Coach Orion walked out

"Fifteen minutes? Man, I cannot move." Russ complain

"Hey, you guys, look. He posted our positions." Connie spoke up

"I don't believe this. I play left side not right." Fulton said looking at the paper
"Third line ! Man, that's a major diss." Russ said
"I'm not even posted" Adam said

"Yeah, you are. Adam Banks, third line, center Varsity ?" Connie readed

"I made varsity?" Adam asked

That's the great thing about being goalie,you know? You always know where you stand. I just mind my business, take my place between the pipes." Goldberg said

"You're riding the pine pony, pal." Averman reply

"Very funny." Goldberg made fun of him

"Julie's one. You're two." Averman reply

"I'm backup ? How can he do this to me ? What am I, chopped liver ?" Goldberg yell out

"Hey... who-who's Captain Tibid?" Dwayne asked

"Oh, that's Captain T.B.D. To be determined." Guy reply

"Oh. Oh, I see. Well, no, I don't. That's your job, Charlie. " Dwayne turned to Charlie. We all just looked at Charlie.

Hope you enjoy this chapter and thanks for for helping me be more confident in my books. 

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