Chapter 06: My Dear Sister

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[The next day...]

Ayuda's P.O.V

I didn't know how many hours had it been since I woke up on my bed and just stayed there. The thought of getting up from bed never occurred to me. I believed that bed is my 'safe haven'. Although it felt totally safe it's still not peaceful enough.

There were a few moments when my parents came into my room and I pretended to sleep and they left me alone afterwards. But if the matter is so urgent, then they will wake me up by yelling into my ear. They have the tendencies to enter my room like shinobi preparing for war while I am being a good daughter by entering their bedroom as quiet as a mouse.

I glanced at the clock that stood on my nightstand. It's eleven in the morning. Then I stared back on the white ceiling above me.

Last night, my mother pulled me roughly into the training room where my father was waiting for me. Every word my father threw at me had stabbed me and wounded me emotionally to the point I cried until my eyes were red and puffy. I had no guts to look at his face but my mother grabbed a fistful of my hair and forced me to look at him, snarling and throwing loud curses at me for being 'ungrateful daughter'.

The only physical abuse I had was when my father took control and pulled my hair in random directions brutally. I heard Reina calling out to stop him but my mother prevented her doing so. I was relieved that my father did not pull my hair mercilessly to the point it literally ripped out of my head. I love my hair.

After my parents were done throwing a fit on me, they told me I was grounded for only one day, because apparently they also cared about my missions. They knew that if they grounded me for weeks, I won't be able to do ninja missions; this will undoubtedly lower down and put bad image on our family's reputation.

So I had to stay in this hell called 'home' this entire day. I truthfully had nothing against my house. It's just that there were two households that turned this innocent house into hell for me. Whenever I returned home, I always felt these heavy weights on my shoulders. These weights were actually my worries. I had deep worries of what was going to happen when I came home.

Reina knew I couldn't meet up and go on missions with my team today, so she volunteered to go there in my place and told them I was sick.

After ten minutes of lying around on my bed, I got up and took a shower. Then I proceeded to wash dirty plates out of boredom. I was aware that the house was empty. My parents were always out on their businesses at times like this.

After washing all of the dirty plates, I rested myself on the couch in the living room. I smiled contently while closing my eyes and relaxed my body there.

I was about to drift off in a short nap when I heard the door creaked open. I quickly shot up from the couch, looking at the hallway to see who it was. I began to feel anxious because the thoughts of my parents returning crossed into my mind. I was still not ready to see them after last night's event.

I breathed out a sigh of relief when Reina came into my line of vision. My tensed body, which I did not realized was tensing, relaxed in an instant and I let gravity took over me as I fell on my back to the couch. I heard an amused chuckle coming from my sister while she took off her shoes.

A few seconds later, she came into my sight and sat down on another couch across from me. She informed, "I had told your team about your fake sickness. They were worried about you, except Shiori-san. She seemed to know that you're grounded, so she quickly told her team to proceed with the mission."

"Thank you, onee-san," I muttered without looking at her.

The only thing I heard the next few seconds were the birds chirping unknown melody which they created while communicating with one another. The euphonious chorus of songbirds had effectively relaxed my mind and body.

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