Chapter 50: Back To Normal

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Song for this chapter: Star Who Loved Sun (the YouTube video that is attached here)

[That night...]

Ayuda's P.O.V

One of the benefits you got for being the daughter of a rich man was that you could own the most comfortable mattress in Konoha. Every time you sleep you would feel that delightful comfort as if you were embraced by soft yet firm cloud. It eased your mind and body with this one valuable furniture. All of the problems you encountered would be erased from your mind once you relaxed your form on such cozy bed.

However, despite having the most comfortable mattress in Konoha, I still could not forget the incident that occurred a few hours ago. I was rattled after undergoing all of that until now, eventuating in my failed attempt to sleep.

I took a glance at the wall clock. It's 12:36 in the midnight. Great. I've been trying to sleep ever since 9 p.m. and I still can't sleep. What if the C-rank mission begins tomorrow morning? I still haven't gotten any call from Tsunade-sama concerning my mission.

I rolled over to my left side – my back facing the window – and closed my eyes, making another effort to sleep. I shoved all of my thoughts out of my mind and visualized a pitch-black wall, just like Sasuke told me at that moment... when we slept under the same roof.

Oh nooo, now I'm having the flashback of that moment! Stop thinking! Ayuda, empty your mind!

But still... what if Sasuke does something stupid following that battle he had with Naruto?

Oh, come on. He is not foolish enough to do something rash. Plus, he is back in the hospital now.

But how do you know he is in the hospital right now? I mean, I haven't seen him after his match with Naruto.

Of course, he's back in the hospital. He wants to recover as soon as possible and the only way to achieve that is by being a good boy in the hospital.

But... what if he can't wait to grow stronger...?

I scowled at the idea. I sat up and slung my legs over the side of the bed. I finally perceived a thin layer of sweat enfolding me, revealing just how restless I was. Thinking of a way to relax my nerves, I took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly and heavily. I performed the uncomplicated action for several times and managed to calm myself down. Even so, I was still unable to thwart these bothersome thoughts from bombarding my mind.

I threw my gaze to the door. Should I take a walk outside?

I stood up from the bed with a determined look. Yeah. Maybe a walk is all I need to calm my mind.

Heading for my wardrobe, I was about to pull it open when I heard two knocks from the window next to my bed. Darting my eyes in that direction, I easily detected a dark silhouette of someone standing in front of the window. His hair looked spiky and also surprisingly familiar. Is that...? No way...!

I careened across the room and drew the curtains apart. My eyes widened immensely upon coming face-to-face with Sasuke Uchiha. He was donning the navy blue, short-sleeved shirt with a high collar, and white shorts. His appearance looked just like the old, distant Sasuke, though there were some minor differences this time such as his face had matured slightly and that he wasn't wearing his forehead protector. And the expression on his face looked the same as before – unfriendly and emotionless.

Sliding the window open, a cold breeze swept past me and I asked him softly, "What are you doing here, Sasuke? Aren't you supposed to be in the hospital now?"

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