Chapter 18: Make It Fair

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Third Person's P.O.V

Two Uchiha boys were strolling down an unoccupied street. They were getting farther away from the center of the village as they made their way to a training ground. One of them was at the age of 7 while the other one was more than ten years older than the first one. The smaller one held the older boy's right hand with his small fingers. A tranquil silence occurred over them as they walked side-by-side.

They had come to an abandoned park that was rarely occupied by people when they heard a soft humming. They could easily discern that the voice belonged a very young girl. They turned their heads to the park since the source of the voice was coming from there.

There they saw a small girl crouching down in an empty field somewhere in the park. She was holding a small, thin stick and drew something on the ground while softly humming to a song. She had a short black hair that reached her shoulder with bangs partially covered her forehead. She had a pair of purple eyes, and judging from her petite form, she looked to be in the same age with the young boy among the two Uchihas.

The older Uchiha boy only stared at her with a vacant look; while the younger Uchiha's cheeks suddenly took on a bright, pink hue as he observed the girl's face from a far distance. He couldn't deny that she had quite a cute appearance for a young kid. The girl was still unaware of the Uchihas' presences.

The youngest Uchiha looked up to the older one, still with the pinkish hue on his cheeks as he stated, "Nii-san, she's cute."

The older boy shifted his gaze down to his younger brother. He could easily notice the pink glow that blossomed on his cheeks. The younger boy wore an infectious grin which somehow caused the big brother to smile as well. He replied with a gentle gaze for his brother, "Indeed, Sa-"


"-SUKE!!! WAKE UP!!!"

As if being electrocuted, Sasuke Uchiha's onyx eyes snapped open that instant. His eyes looked around frantically until it landed on Naruto's face which was so close to his face and wore a wide grin of mischief. The ravenette immediately realized that the blond boy had roused him just for fun.

Sasuke grunted in annoyance while an arm wrapped around Naruto's neck from behind and pulled him backward roughly. He watched with an irked expression on his face as Sakura put Naruto in a headlock and tightened her grip, scolding at the now-choking boy, "Naruto, you baka! How dare you wake Sasuke up! He had stayed up all night to be on guard while we're sleeping! We should just let him sleep in peace!"

"Sa-Sakura-chan!" Naruto choked out, tapping Sakura's arm repeatedly to give her a message to loosen her grip on him for his sake, "I-I'm going to-"

The pinkette cut him off again by rebuking him loudly. Sasuke began to tune out these two as he scanned the whole area, curious about what had happened when he's asleep. He immediately spotted Kazuki – who was still wrapped up in bandages on some parts of his body– and Kaito. They were sauntering towards them, seemingly engrossed in conversation. Kaito was holding a fishnet with six motionless fishes in it.

The Uchiha survivor looked around once again, conscious of the fact that a certain person was missing. His gaze finally landed on a certain form that had laid down a meter away from him.

It was none other than Ayuda, of course. She lied down in a pose called 'recovery position'; her body facing towards Sasuke. Her eyes were closed, her face muscles relaxed and her breathing was so slow with her chest rising up and down. Her black locks were sprawled on the ground behind her.

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