Chapter two: Full Metal Zombie

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" So we're going to Virginia?" I yawned slightly and ran a hand through my hair. " Yes, Citizen Z said there was a general who would give us a direct flight to the lab." Garnett nodded at me. We had stopped for the night to rest up. Addy and Mack slept together in the cab, it was all cuddles and teddy bears. Garnett and Warren slept in the front seats while Cassandra slept in the middle sit up front and Murphy slept in the back seat. Doc, 10k, and I all slept in the bed of the truck. Taking turns with watch. 10k went first, Doc went second and I went last.

It got really cold last night and I admit I did something really embarrassing.


" I'll take first watch." 10k whispered to us because the rest of the group excluding me and 10k were asleep. I nodded and lied down on the cold medal covering myself with a blanket. Warren was kind enough to give the blankets to us, who had to sleep outside because there was no room in the truck.

I was fully dressed, weapons and all, I didn't have my armor on though so I was slightly colder then I would normally be. I pulled my knees to my chest and tucked my arm under my head. I closed my eyes but sleep never came. I lied like that for what seemed like hours but it was probably only a couple hours.

" Is she asleep?" I heard 10k whisper to Doc. " I think so, she hasn't moved." He replied. " Good, she looked exhausted earlier." 10k grunted slight as he took his gun off and lied down, covering himself in a blanket. " Hey kid, make sure you thank her for saving your ass in the morning." Doc whispered yelled to 10k who nodded his head under the blanket.

I blinked and then Doc was tapping on my shoulder. " Hey kid, your turn. Wake up Mercy." Doc gently shook my shoulders. I gasped awake, sitting up quickly, on reflex my hand shot out to my gun.

" Relax, its just me, Doc." Doc assured me, hushed. I shook my head and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. " Sorry just reflexes." I yawned and stood up stretching each muscle, stiff from the cold.

I grabbed my gun and like a cat jumped on the roof of the truck. I settled myself with a sigh. I watched A couple Z's get closer. They were slow, starved.

I pulled out my slingshot and grabbed a rock from a pouch I had strapped to my jeans. " I give you mercy." I mumbled the words quietly before I let lose the rock, it hit the Z in it's forehead. I pulled back another rock and shot the next one, the rock went through it's rotten skull and hit another Z.

"Two Zombies, one stone." I murmured and smirked. I looked through the scope of my gun, scanning the area around us for Z's. Garnet picked a good spot. It had a cliff to my left my right had a clear field of just old farmland.

I smiled to myself. Today, today so much happened. I woke up this morning with a plan to just go looking for supplies or anything that caught my eye. And then bam, I was saving a boy, nearly getting kidnapped, and then joining a group which is something I never thought I would do.

I set my gun down, satisfied that there was no zombies. I pulled my knees so my chest, I rested my chin on my kneecaps, just relaxing but not relaxed enough to forget that it was a zombie apocalypse and I had to be ready to shoot any second.

I had my back facing the cliff with my attention on the farmland. Every now and then a gust of frigid wind would hit me, sending me into a earthquake of shivers. I would move down to the truck bed but Doc was sprawled out and 10k was curled into a ball.

I wrapped my arms around me tightly. Next stop I needed to get some new clothes.

" Hey."

I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sound of 10k quiet voice. " Jesus! Mate, it's the apocalypse, you can't do that!" I gasped and clutched my chest.

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