Part twelve: Chaotic reality

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I'm peeling the skin off my face

'Cause I really hate being safe

The normal's, they make me afraid

The crazies, they make me feel sane..


" I HATE YOU" The girl screamed from the cold cell. " STOP THIS NOW!!" Craig roared as he pushed a button and electricity cracked it's way through her body that was tied to the stone wall.

One day earlier:

" It's your fault they left, you know that Coraline?"

The group had left Mercy and 10k together to find more supplies. Why they decided to team the two peopled who hated each other the most together was a good idea, Mercy had no clue.

" Cassandra getting cut was your fault too."

Not my fault the bitch was stupid enough to climb over a barb wired fence.

The group had raided her stash of infection curing herbs, having no idea what they were for, they damn near killed her. So yet again Mercy had to save her stupid ass.

" Why didn't you label your shit?"

Please shut up, you asshole.

" Don't tell me to shut up!" He snarled at Mercy, his tone was sharp but it didn't hurt Mercy, she had grown used to his insults.

Oh I said that out loud?


" Well if you keep talking your gonna attract Z's and I'm sorry but I don't know if I can control the urge to not throw you at a zombie if I see one, Thomas." Mercy snapped with a smirk, farther pissing him off.

Suddenly though he turned down an alley. " Oi, where are you going? There's nothing down there but rats you asinine." Mercy shouted at the strange boy but silenced herself when the dark force started to nip at her toes. " 10k? Hey, can we like not go in there?"

Quickly she glanced at the roof tops that surrounded her, the group had decided to stop in Cheyenne Wyoming for a bit. They desperately needed supplies like food and other things. So naturally the two teens had gone down town in hopes there would be untouched gold but it was a long shot, considering it was the fifth almost sixth year of the apocalypse.

People were no longer hoping for change, they had their babies and evolved. The children that were old enough to remember the first day were now the most dangerous people out there. They knew everything there was to know. People like 10k, and Mercy were feared because the dead no longer scared them, they just excepted that their planet would never recover and they just had to move on.

Large groups of people moved on and made themselves at home in their hostile environment. In Maryland, you could actually settle down and find work due to the amount of castles there, humans had gone back to the stone age.

All over the U.S and other nations, kingdoms ruled the land.

" Godamnit." Mercy growled and pulled out her pistol while flipping her hood up to hide her razor green eyes and the fresh purple scar that stretched across her right cheekbone courtesy of the deceased Lyra Tano.

The small details of her once petite face, made it seem older, you might go as far as to say wiser. The past five years had taken it's toll on the girl, adding years to her age and it shown like dull chrome in Mercy's eyes. But it wasn't just her face that changed, when she walked it held confidence no matter who had died or who had betrayed her, that never changed. Head up with shoulders back, always a look of murder just behind her forest green eyes.

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