Chapter eight: What was that?

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" So wait, you live by a creed to create peace but you kill people for a living?"

Mercy sighed again as she tried to explain her creed to 10k. " I don't kill innocents, 10k. If you've done nothing wrong then you don't have to worry, at least before the apocalypse, now everybody steals, everybody lies, and everybody cheats." The reckless girl shrugged while swinging her razor sharp axe through the air just so she could listen to the quiet whistle it made while cutting though the air.

" Oh, can you run me through the creed again then just so I understand it better?" He jogged to keep up with Mercy seening as she was walking abnormally fast. " Jeez, how can you walk that fast up hill?" 10k panted.

" I used to run up the hills of Ireland to increase my stamina."

" Anyways, the creed, right." She slowed her gait so he could catch up. " Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember...Nothing is true. Where other men are limited by morality or law, remember. Everything is permitted. We work in the dark to serve the light. We are Assassins." Mercy recited the creed quietly so only 10k could hear. " Sacrifice everything, give everything, take nothing in return. Cut the hands off those who steal, take the tongues of those who lie, scar the ones who cheat. Do what your told because what your told is right. Let your blade never taste the blood of an innocent." Mercy nodded once she was done reciting. " The second is just what my family lives by."

" Damn, that is intense." He shook his head in amazement. " You think that's intense, the initiation into the Assassin Order is far more scarier. You go through all types of training when you turn about nine and then when you turn eighteen you become a full fletched Assassin. The ceremony for that is not so bad though." She shrugged casually closing her eyes for second to remember the training she endured most of her life before the apocalypse

" What's the ceremony?" He glanced at Mercy's axe worryingly while she tossed it in the air with out a care in the whole world.

" It's simple, you recite the creed to your master, you get your left ring finger branded, then you jump off a building to prove your faith for The Order. So I would recite it to my father and my brother because they both trained me. My brother would have trained me when he turned eighteen if I had been born later but my parents forgot a condom and epically through the whole damn plan out the window as well." Mercy chuckled, shaking head slightly not the slightest bit phased by the fact that she was an unplanned child.

" How old is your brother?"

" Right now? About twenty five, seven years difference." She counted on her fingers quickly to make sure. " So when your brother was old enough to train you, he did?"

" Yeah, I was eleven when he turned eighteen. So he trained me for two years before he got sent to prison for god knows what. But my dad trained me two years." Mercy talked about her past like it was no big deal but it kinda was. Her brother, while he was brutal, he was one of Mercy's few friends.

After Mercy had broken his creed, and after her brother whipped her as punishment, the young apprentice's few friends walked away, not wanting to associate with a cheater. So not fancying to be the loner even though she was quite content with the title if push came to shove, sought out the older initiates for companionship, there she found her most trust worthy allies per say.

Lyra Tano, her brothers girlfriend and Theodore Skywalker one of the greatest apprentice's.

" There is nothing to kill out here!" 10k groaned when they finally broke free from the trees.

" Fine by me." Warren replied to 10k's out burst, while looking down at her map. " I'm bored." Mercy groaned. " What? Am I not entertaining enough for you?" 10k smirked while nudging the bored girl's shoulder with his. " 10k, you are by far the most least entertaining person I have ever met." She teased, him playfully, raising her eyebrows for added effect. " I can be entertaining, trust me." He wiggled his eyebrows suggesting. " 10k!" Mercy squealed, blushing as she lightly smacked his shoulder.

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