Chapter seven: Coraline Butcher.

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I was in the hotel room that my world ended in. The same room my parents were executed in. I looked around, oddly enough there was no bodies just blood, oh god so much blood. It was on the walls, the carpet was soaked in it. I felt my hands grow sticky, I gasped when I looked down to see my hands covered in the crimson blood of my parents. " Oh, oh my god." I gagged and tried to wipe it off but every time I got a little off, more would appear.

Cut one head off the Hydra and two more will grow in it's place.

" You can't get it off, can you?"

My head snapped up at the sound of my brother. " Danny!" I cried and went to step forward but I tripped on something rotted. When my head hit the floor I came face to face with the dead corpse of my mother. I pushed myself up, scrambling away. " You can't just wipe the blood off like you do other people, Coraline." His face held no emotion but rage as he spoke his words. " You can't just get rid of the guilt." He stepped forward, I noticed he had a six shooter in his left hand. It was my six shooter, the same gun that my father gave to me when I was thirteen. " Look at them, Coraline! YOU DID THAT!!" He screamed at me, picking me up before he shoved me into the wall behind me. " YOU KILLED THEM! YOU ARE NO BETTER THEN THE ONE WHO SHOT THEM!!" He roared. " In fact, your worse."

" They were gonna kill me! They weren't human! I only did what you taught me!" I sobbed. " It's killed or be killed, remember?" I cried. " Yeah, except when I do it, I get fucking paid! I have a reason for reloading my gun each day, Coraline!" He snarled and slammed the barrel of the gun into my forehead. " I do what I'm told because what I'm told is right. Your worse because you do what you tell yourself. And what you think is right, is blurred! Your selfish, Coraline." He seethed. " No I'm not!" I sobbed, my body shaking with a deadly mix of emotions. " Your not selfish? Please, Coraline. If you weren't you would have destroyed your feelings for that boy! He is going to DIE because of YOU!" He snarled and cocked the gun.

" In fact, he's gonna die sooner or later so why don't you cut the ties and kill him now?" He backed away and thrusted the loaded gun into my shaking hands. " What?! No!" I cried and dropped the gun but it stayed in my hands. In the corner of my eye I saw 10k just standing there.

" Do what we trained you to do, Coraline." My parents stood up, but they weren't rotten anymore. They were dressed like they were before except they each had two very big red stains where their hearts were.

" Do it." Danny and my parents pressed. " No!" I cried but my arm raised, pointing the barrel at 10k's head.

" Selfish!"

" Heartless!"

" Monster!"

" I won't do it!" I shouted but my finger lingered on the trigger. " Stop it! Stop! Just stop! Please." I begged while 10k stood emotionless with his forehead pressed against the barrel, why had he moved closer?

" I loved you but your only gonna be the death of me." That's when my finger pulled the trigger.

"No!" I screamed, shooting up from my spot in the backseat of the truck, 10k's arms were wrapped around my waist with my head tucked under his chin. It was freezing so we slept under a blanket and we slept in each others arms.

I was covered in sweat but I could still feel the sticky blood on my hands and on my face.

I scrambled away from him, my back soon hitting the window of the Yukon that we stole.

" Mercy? What's wrong?" 10k and the rest of the group was looking at me but 10k was the only one that spoke.

" I -I need to go, I need to go kill something." I choked out, grabbing my axe before I opened the tail gate to the outside. " Wait, come back." 10k followed me quickly, grabbing his gun. " I'll come with you." He added and touched my shoulder. On instinct I spun around and pressed the barrel of my six shooter to his forehead, he froze.

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