I Could See the Tear Drops Fall From Her Face as She Walked

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I had tried extremely hard to erase the memory of the encounter with Hermione. That was supposed to make her mad, make her want me, make her realize that I was the best guy for her. 

It was supposed to make her want me back, then I'd ignore her for a few weeks, she'd still love me, and then I'd "grudgingly" take her back, under some circumstances of course. Instead, she made a fool of me. It was supposed to be the other way around. 

I was so deep in my thoughts, I didn't notice Harry's death glare, or Lavender's annoying, shrill voice next to my ear. Something wet was on my cheek and that was what shook me out of my thoughts. I wiped my cheek and saw slobber. I grimaced, then glanced warily at Lavender. She had kissed me. 

You know, before I agreed to be Lavender's boyfriend as revenge, I had thought that she wouldn't be that bad. I mean, she was obsessed with me. She would kiss me whenever. And she'd always be there, so that I could annoy and make Hermione cry every second of every minute of every hour of every day. 

But, turns out she's an even worse kisser than Hermione. I miss Hermione's kisses. They were delicate, not like a snogging session, but it was filled with enough desire and enough passion  to feel like it. Lavender's kisses are slobbery and wet. She's usually trying to eat my mouth, and I have to push her off, but she doesn't mind. She sees it as some game: Let's make Won Won as uncomfortable as possible.

And let me tell you, she's doing a pretty good job.

She grins at me and tugs on my arm, "Let's go to breakfast." I nodded and she pulled me out of Gryffindor tower, right past Harry's scowling face and shaking head. I felt bad about that. I know I messed up. But frankly, I don't care. I'm not going up to her and begging for her to forgive me. After all, I'd look like an idiot, considering I was the one who broke up with her.

You might call me a coward, but I call it Pride. 

We reached the Great Hall soon. It wasn't too crowded. I scanned the Gryffindor table and my eyes found her. I grinned, pulling Lavender along with me. She didn't seem to mind that either. Of course not. 

Hermione was sitting on the other side of the bench, facing the other houses. Ginny was next to her, smirking at Hermione like an idiot. Hermione was sitting there, her face burning and her eyes trained on her eggs. I sat down across from Ginny and Lavender sat across from Seamus, who was on Ginny's left. 

"I'm gonna get the details out of you, trust me." Ginny smirked, grabbing a spoonful of pudding and popping it into her mouth. Hermione's eyes flicked up. I was expecting her to look at me, I mean, why wouldn't she? But her eyes were just West of mine. 

She looked down too quickly for me to figure out who it was she was looking at. Psshh, not that I care, or anything. 

"Ginny, drop it, I already told you everything that happened last night." I raised my eye brows at Hermione. Her face burned even brighter, If that's even possible. 

Then, she went stiff. I had thought that someone had casted a silent 'petrificus totalus' spell. I looked around, ready to hex them to the black lake, but Ginny rolled her eyes at me and glared a me. What did I do wrong? I wanted to ask her. 

I didn't. 

Why? Because I'm smart. 

"Relax, she's just doing some telepathic thing she always does with Malfo-" Ginny froze and her ears turned a dark shade of red, the way they do every time she's about to lie. "Macaroons," Ginny laughed, "She's got some weird obsession with these things." She said, picking up the muggle pastry. "Mmmm." Ginny swallowed, trying to give a convincing smile. 

Hermione smacked her own forehead. I glared at Hermione. "So that's it!? You're with him?" I bellowed, outraged. I scoffed, not noticing the abnormal silence in the Great Hall, "You sure got over me quickly!" Hermione slams her hands on the table and stands up, glaring at me right in the eyes. She laughs, but it wasn't a giggle, or one of those genuine laughs, it was as cold as the ice cubes in my drink.  "Says you!" 

I glared at her, "I was the one who broke up with you!" She nods, spreading out her hands as If I just put together two puzzle pieces together. "Exactly! So why do you care about If I move on or not!? Why do you care that I'm dating him!?" She was fuming. She had that look in her eyes that said, Back away now, if you're smart

I wasn't very smart at the moment. "You're fraternizing with the enemy." She gasped, "The enemy. Who was the one who was obsessed with his every move over all these years?" I cheeks flushed, What? I was suspicious. 

I heard chuckles and giggles throughout the great hall. "He's playing you. He's using you!" She stumbled backwards, as if my words had pulled out a knife and threatened to 'Avada Kedavra' her. 

She swallowed, "No. He's not." She tried to sound determined, but I could hear the doubt in her voice. I guess Malfoy could too, because when I looked back, Blaise was doing everything he could to hold Malfoy back. No one seemed to notice though, they were all too focused on our argument. 

"Oh really, come on 'Mione," I smirked at her, getting cocky now, "I thought you were the brightest witch of our age. What happened to that logic?" I could see anger subsiding into sadness and confusion,and doubt in her eyes. "He's been the biggest jerk to you in the entire school, then all of the sudden, he realized that you're not just some Filthy Little Mudblood." Anger roared in her eyes, "DON'T CALL ME THAT!" I was on a roll, I shook my head, "But he can?" I whispered, "He gets you, even though he's done all of these awful things to you. He fought against  you in the bloody war! But I make one mistake and you take him." 

She shook her head, "There's a difference between the two of you, He apologized." I scoffed, "I did too!" She shook her head, "Not that I'm aware of. And I can assure you, if this is your idea of an apology, the answer is no." The grabbed her books and rushed out of the Great Hall, I could see the tear drops fall from her face as she walked. 

Ginny sprinted off after her. And after everyone had turned to whisper to the person next to them about it, I noticed two certain Slytherins running out of the Great Hall, coincidently in the same direction of my sister and my ex- best friend.

Suddenly, a very angry Harry Potter marched into the Great Hall, "RONALD WEASLEY YOU BLOODY PRAT!"


So, If there are any of you people out there who want to spend some time making an amazing cover for my book, that would be amazing. Just throwing it out there, bc my editing is pretty crappy, and I wouldn't want to ruin this book with an awful cover. If you wanna, send me it and maybe... I'll choose it. Thanks again, peeps. 

Lol, I doubt anyone will even see this, I don't have many readers. But OMG! Thank you for 300! and i think 30 votes? Appreciate it much <3 <3 


Happy Holidays :)

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