Chapter 8: Only if for a night

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Fall out boy crooning "I don't care what you think, as long as it's about me, the best of us can find happiness in misery" blares through speakers as Ann and I make our way towards the bustling two story frat house. Since the frat is right down the street from the dorms where Ann stays, we decided to walk it after she wanted we both got ready at her place.

As we get closer, my stomach turns and my heartbeat starts to go all over the place. Maybe this was a bad idea?

"I'm so excited you decided to come. Plus you look really hot in that outfit. I did an amazing job, if I do say so myself." Ann whistles as she examines the clothing she picked for me from her personal closet.

"I feel weird." I look down at my clothes. I'm wearing a burgundy sequined tank top with a black leather skirt and black ankle boots. I never wear skirts or dresses so I feel almost naked.

I will admit though, that I love how Ann did my makeup. She gave me a smoky eye and a berry colored lip. If I would have attempted to create this look, I would have looked like a clown that escaped from the circus.

"Well, get over it because you look gorgeous! Our workouts have been paying off." Ann tells me as she straightens her violet strapless dress.

"Are you ladies having fun?" A tall guy with bright red colored hair asks us as soon as we step foot past the front door.

I smile and hold my tongue. What I really want to say is that we barely arrived so, how can we already be having fun?

"Of course. Can't wait to party." Ann smiles at him.

While the both of them engage in small talk, I take this time to observe my strange surroundings.

The first thing that catches my eye are the two ping pong tables that are on each side of the living room, four in total. But since this is a college party, they are currently being used for beer pong games. For the moment, it seems to be the main attraction.

It's hard to see who's playing since there are groups of people blocking my view. Too say it's crowded, would be a gigantic understatement. On top of that, the whole place is dimly lighted with just a few scattered lights turned on.

When I turn my head to take a small peek in the kitchen, I see it's another popular destination. Not because of the food, nope, it's the copious amount of alcohol readily available.

"Hey, Amelia! I didn't know you go to parties." I hear a suprisingly familiar female voice comment behind me.

I slowly turn and find myself face to face with my roomate.

"Oh, uh, hey Rebecca." I try not to openly gape at her outfit. She's wearing a tight white crop top that leaves little to the imagination and short blue jean shorts with black high heel pumps. I'm not judging her, everyone has the right to wear whatever they want. I was just caught off guard and left speechless for a moment.

"Oh my god. I mean, hi, what's up Rebecca?" Ann tries to surpress her reaction but fails when she sees who I was talking too and what said person is wearing. Apparently red hair guy who asks dumb questions has left.

"Nothing much, just surprised to see both of you guys here. Have fun! See y'all around, drinks are calling my name." Rebecca winks then goes toward the kitchen.

"A bra is calling her name." Ann mutters.

"Ann, stop it." I elbow her side.

"What? It's true, her outfit isn't even cute."

"Let's not judge her please, she's my roomate." Even if Rebecca and I don't talk other than a quick hello or good morning, she's been nice.

I think I hear her answer back with a low mumbled "Fine."

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