Bonus Scene (Chapter 6.5)

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*This small bonus scene takes place between Chapter 6: In four words and Chapter 7: Tell lies day*

You know it’s a good day in class when your teacher has abandoned his planned lecture to discuss Frank Underwood. It all started when a student asked Mr. Hall if he has finally catched up with “House of Cards” on Netflix and it all just spiraled from there. I haven’t personally watched the show, but it’s on my list.

“Look at Frank’s journey to becoming president. It shows you can do anything you set your mind too, even if you were denied at first. Great example to follow. You know, except for the whole murder and deception part. Just don’t do those. I don’t think any of you would get away with it and you’ll go straight to jail.” Mr. Hall advises and the class seems to murmur in agreement. “So no pushing people onto train tracks. Got it? Well, It seems that I have been rambling for the past forty five minutes, so I will finish the lesson I was supposed to teach for next time. You may leave now if you wish, or you can be a good student and work on this week's writing assignment with your partner. The choice is yours. I will be in my adjacent office grading papers if you need me.”

He leaves with several following suit, while some find their respective partners and sit next to each other. Mine is sitting right beside me and has began gently poking my shoulder in an irritating manner.

“Yes, Alex?” I sigh.

“Dear partner, would you like to work on the assignment now? I know you’re excited to spend some time with me.” I turn to face him and I can immediately see that he’s trying not to laugh at his own antics.

“Yes, that’s what I want more than anything in the world.” I deadpan and swat his hand away. I must have done something to hurt Mr. Hall without realizing. That would be the only explanation on how he decided to pair me with Alex.

“I knew it. I have finally won you over.”

“Now you’re just overreaching, even for yourself. But since we’re both here, lets complete the week’s prompt.” I have an essay due next week that I haven’t finished so I can’t afford to fall behind in other courses.

“No problem Jenny.”

I don’t ask him to stop calling me that because that just encourages him more. Instead I ignore and focus on retrieving the list I need.

“What outrages you?” I read aloud once I find it.

“Hmm, the fact that you don’t like coffee. It still throws me off.” Alex declares in a somber tone.

“We’ve been over this. Moving on now.” I speak up before he gets the chance to badger me with questions.

“Fine. I guess that the ice cream machines at McDonald’s are always “broken” according to the employees.” He inserts quotation marks to the word broken. “Especially in the summer and in every fucking location. It doesn’t make sense.”

“There’s probably a conspiracy going on. I think you are onto something Alex.” I nod my head and try to keep the act up.

“Are you being sarcastic? I would normally say that you are, but this is serious. It affects the whole country.” He eyes me carefully to figure out if I’m being honest.

“I wholeheartedly agree. Actually, it might be a global issue. We should investigate, maybe call some reinforcements.” I make sure to snap my fingers afterwards for dramatic effect.

“Okay, now you’re just teasing me.”

“It was too easy. I saw a chance, and I took it.”

“What about you? What outrages you? The tables have now turned.”

I don’t know why, but the first thought that pops into my head is about my pillow. It might be due to the fact that I’m still sleepy.

“I’m outraged by the fact that pillows do not stay cool. I have to flip it to the opposite side once the one I’m laying on becomes warm.”

“You know that you can pillows that stay cold right?” Alex questions, befuddled by my problem.

“Yes, but the good ones are expensive.” I shrug in defense.

“The both of you sure give riveting responses.” A voice in front of us speaks out and I see Mr. Hall smiling at us. I hadn’t even noticed that he had walked back in. He probably thinks we’re insane.

“Jenny and I always have fun with these assignments.” Alex smirks.

“Well, I’m glad that you and Jenny are having a good time with it. A lot of students take it too seriously. I like it when students get creative with the responses. Keep up the good work.” He chuckles before leaving.

It takes awhile for it to sink in that the professor now believes my name is Jenny. Awesome.

I’m sure eventually Alex will stop calling me that. It’s just a matter of time.

“I know he didn’t mention it with words exactly, but I read between the lines. He was trying to say that you have the best partner in the world and that you should feel honored to have me as a friend.”

“I had not realized that was the point he was trying to make with the words he did not use. At all.”

“It was, I truly believe it.”

“So delusional.” I mutter under my breath.

“What was that? Did you say I’m beautiful? Thank you.”

“Obviously not.” I insist.

“But we both know you were thinking it.”

“Let’s get back on track.”

“Yes, please continue with your “not cold enough” pillow rant.”

“I hate you right now.” I laugh. He was complaining about ice cream. I honestly think mine makes more sense. Maybe not everyone enjoys ice cream, but I’m almost positive everyone loves a chilly pillow. At least that’s what I think.

“Maybe right now, but one day you’ll love me.” He replies with a smug expression.

“The only place that will happen, is in your dreams.”

A/N: So here’s the bonus scene! Hope you enjoyed :)

A/N: So here’s the bonus scene! Hope you enjoyed :)

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Yes, I just used a random Jughead gif......

Next Saturday( July 1st) a brand new chapter will be posted (Chapter 30), so see you then!

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