Chapter 19: Send them off

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"Amelia, I love you, but you are way too nice. I would have kicked his ass to the curb without a second thought. I don't trust him at all." Ann basically scolds me while I just stand there, motionless, listening to her rant.

"I decided to forgive him so he would shut up. It's not like he and I are going to suddenly become best friends." I defend myself.

After Ann almost died of shock after seeing Stephen here, I dragged her into the unoccupied break room and explained everything to her. To say that she's less than thrilled, would be a massive understatement.

"The douche is going to be working here." She mutters to herself. "Can I kill him first?" She adds with a little too much enthusiasm and joy in her light brown eyes.

"No Ann, you can not."

"Not even a little bit?" Ann huffs and stomps her right foot.

"I will not bail you out of jail. I don't have enough money for that. We'll talk about this later, the register is unattended right now." Ben is an easygoing boss, but he would understandingly freak out that both of us are back here with just a recently hired employee in the front.

"Fine. Ugh. Wait, fuck. I gotta um, text someone. I'm going to put my stuff up and I'll meet you at the front."

"Okay, tell Asher I say hi." That's probably who she's furiously texting right now on her iphone since she's so smitten with him. I'm happy she has Asher, he's a good guy. Even though he interrupted an amazing moment yesturday.

"After we discuss dickwad working here, we will talk about you and Alex."

"Why? What did you hear?" I haven't told Ann about the kiss because I knew she would get way to excited about it and probably start planning a freaking wedding. But if she finds out before I tell her, she is going to be pissed at me. As long as Alex didn't tell Asher, I should be fine for now. I'll fill her in later when I figure everything out. It might take twenty years but I will.

"Nothing." She shrugs while placing her black leather Coach purse on a nearby shelf. "Just wanted to let you know that I created your couple name."

"First, we are not a couple. Secondly, why would you waste your time doing that?" I raise my eyebrow at her silliness.

"You will be together, I'm sure of it! Anyway, the ship name is: Amex." She shakes her hands in a "ta-da" gesture.

"Amex? Like American Express? As in the credit card company?" It's not meant to be if that would be the couple name. Hold up, why am I even entertaining this idea?

"That's the best I could come up with. Maybe I could try Alex and Jenny instead?"

I'm about to stop her crazy train of thought when Stephen pops his head in the room.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt, but there's several customers waiting in line. I would take care of it but I don't know how to work the register."

"I'm going. Thanks for letting me know." I decide to use this as my chance to escape Ann's antics.

As soon as he turns back, Ann rolls her eyes and sticks her tongue out to his retreating form.

"Work now, chat later." I point at her and make my way to the front where a line of about six customers has started to form.

Once I ring them up and write down their drinks, Ann reappears and together we get the ball rolling to fufill the growing orders.

It seems that the morning rush has commenced as more and more people come through our doors.

At least it will make time pass by faster. I just checked my phone and I still have no response from Alex.

Guys suck.

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